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How a Group of Catholic Pacifists Took on the Nuclear State

…owshares activists and fewer Plowshares actions. But their worldview has always accommodated small numbers, characterizing them as a mark of faithfulness and authenticity. Faithful witness is a legacy that Plowshares activists are proud to claim, even if the nuclear threat hasn’t been eradicated. That’s not to say that Plowshares participants haven’t hoped for, and worked toward, instrumental outcomes. I am sure they were moderately pleased when t…

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Capricology: Divine Madness

…imulator. She argues in effect that she doesn’t want to do things the easy way; she wants to earn her way through the virtual world. I am reminded of the ongoing debates around multiplayer games about what constitutes cheating and whether it is appropriate for a character to pay real cash to buy a ready-made avatar which can function at higher levels than they have earned through game play. Or for that matter, the debates about using power surge f…

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Both the Joy and the Uproar Over the Pope’s Blessings for LGBTQ Catholics are Small Potatoes Compared to this Age-Old Church Problem

…nts the reinforcement of the power structure status quo. The current papal way of operating tempts even well intended progressive people to act in disingenuous ways. It’s hard not to laud the Pope when he does something however tiny, like the blessings, which seems to be moving the Church in the right direction. But people making decisions together rather than having such imposed on them are, in the long run, far more important than any single pro…

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The Right Wing Bible and the Politics of Impotence

…to that: The one who shares in the covenant is supposed to make known the ways and ordinances of God to later generations so that they remember as well.   One striking thing about the content of the tradition is its humility. We might expect a nation’s founding stories to be of glory and victory, but Deuteronomy wants the people to remember something different: “Remember that you were a slave in the land of Egypt…” The focus isn’t just that the L…

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Sin is Not a Crime: A Conversation with Patrick Cheng 

…ot going to be able to see this model—even though it’s ancient and in some ways even more beautiful than Western notions of sin and grace that we’ve inherited. Those in the moveable middle or a little bit to the right are longing for ways to heal themselves, and I think that this crime-based Augustinian model may have hurt them too. My experience has been that when these people hear this it opens their eyes in ways that is healing for them. They c…

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Transitions: Caitlyn Jenner, Gender Identity, and Christians Behaving Badly (Again)

…ver of Vanity Fair magazine. Image by Movilh Chile via Flickr. There are always going to be people who don’t fit into the perfect sexual role, no matter how tight the church laces the girdle for them. There are always going to be scared, confused, something-less-than-acceptable people needing Jesus. Christians need to learn to deal with such folks, as a matter of justice, and because some day, they might be us. The life of faith, some Christians m…

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Is Christianity Greening? Depends On Who (and How) You Ask

…not schools, but only a few will actually implement that idea. In the same way, attitudes toward the environment might be less telling than the number of churches that recycle, install solar panels, maintain nature trails, or underwrite environmental activism through their denominations. Belief, in other words, may be less important than the lived faith. Sometimes, the best way to make change is simply to be the change, and trust that it will all…

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Let My Preachers Endorse: A Modest Church-State Proposal

…vilege, the FFRF suit seems quite appropriate. But what if there’s another way to deal with this issue…a way for congregations to endorse candidates—but in a constitutional way? It turns out there is one: give congregations the option to change their tax status, from charitable 501(c)(3) to social welfare 501(c)(4) organization. After all, Congress permits social welfare organizations to endorse candidates and keep their tax exemptions, if they ca…

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The Islamophobia Election: How “Muslim” Became a Racial Identity

…d on the left, what you see is they’re still sort of being defined in that way as well. It’s just done in a more nuanced way. “There are good Muslims and there are bad Muslims, and we need to get the good Muslims on our side.” What’s the counter-rhetoric you would want to see? We need to talk about Muslims as we do about any other group. They can’t always just be defined, or understood, or discussed in terms of terrorism. We need to individualize…

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Taqwacore Roundtable: On Punks, the Media, and the Meaning of “Muslim”

…If not, why? Is it the music (the genre being very particular to the Anglophone world)? the underlying thought of treating “Muhammad as punk rocker?”  BU: What an ignorant question. Anglophone world? Punk is ten times bigger in Kuala Lampur than it ever will be in the UK, France, or Germany. Or America. No, the reason for forming the Dead Bhuttos, and the rush to put a single online was to show, at least cosmetically, that Pakistan was as capable…

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