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Was Blind But Now I See: The Debut of a New Anti-Abortion Strategy

…ion worker,” and “save them from the hell called Planned Parenthood.” In a way, it was the same sort of shift that crisis pregnancy centers had pioneered, presenting themselves as the kinder, gentler face of pro-life activism, eager to help women avoid the harmful choice of abortion. Similarly, the panel psychologized the issue, suggesting that abortion workers must be suffering in some way that leads them to work in the industry—that they come fr…

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Is Religion Wrecking Our Air?

…issions but little effect on the amount of toxic pollutants emitted. On my way out of the interview, looking in that journalistic way for the bottom line, I asked Dr. Ho whether he thought incense-smoke inhalation was a problem. He looked at me and responded calmly, “Yeah, it’s a big problem.” Another problem is fireworks. As someone who has always hated fireworks and would rather stay inside with my head under a pillow than endure a loud, smoky F…

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Will Gay Rights Pave the Way for Decriminalizing Mormon Polygamy?

…nating to consider how the Brown case may shine a light on the complicated ways non-fundamentalist Mormons have managed our own relationship to polygamy. The extent of polygamy in Mormon history is often downplayed by LDS Church public relations representatives and even some apologetic Mormon scholars. Many Mormons do not admit publicly that polygamy remains an intact part of mainstream orthodox Mormon theology, and that contemporary LDS Church po…

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What is Community?

…the “best ummah“; and to be the ummah of the middle, moderate or balanced way (i.e. not the extreme way.) But what really drew my attention was the reminder that Allah says, “We could have made you into a single ummah….” Surely then, the command for moderation is not a command for superiority, but rather for cooperation between diversities. So, what makes a collective? What makes an ummah? In these days of the nation-state, it is not a single geo…

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Ummah: Solitude and Connection

…the “best ummah”; and to be the ummah of the middle, moderate, or balanced way (i.e. not the extreme way). But what really drew my attention was the reminder that Allah says, “We could have made you into a single ummah…” Surely then, the command for moderation is not a command for superiority, but rather for cooperation between diversities. So, what makes a collective? What makes an ummah? In these days of the nation-state, it is not a single geog…

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How to Separate Jewishness from Zionism

…ng the idea of diasopra back to Palestine—which means, seeing the multiple ways it already functions there—might be useful for finding a way to think about cohabitation, and a critique of state violence.” Peter Beinart argues from the inside about what Zionism has become. Butler asks, why Zionism at all? Butler favors a return to binationaism not because it is the most humanistic solution but because to her it is the most “Jewish,” not in any self…

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What the Ferguson Protests Mean for Religious Progressive Activism

…were either homogenous and religious, or diverse and non-religious. Either way, a major source of power was missing. We could not find a way to tap into both the power of our diversity and the power of our religious convictions. We were left arguing on the basis of human rights or expediency or a vague notion of the common good. None of this has the power of the basic truth that 2+2 does, in fact, equal 4.   Ferguson is different. On August 19th,…

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The Battle Beneath the Battle: Do Gay People Exist?

…ecognize that, in my experience at least, whether or not one is “born this way” does seem to matter to a whole lot of people. For political as well as intellectual reasons, LGBT activists are loathe to base our rights on the latest scientific or pseudo-scientific data. This strikes me as wise. But as I talk about these issues with folks in the “movable middle,” I’ve noticed that the reluctant allies, semi-supportive family members, and more-or-les…

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Ayaan Hirsi Ali’s Heretic: With Friends Like These, Who Needs Jihadis?

…organization by the United Arab Emirates.” Exactly. 2) “Muslims … use cell phones and computers without necessarily seeing a conflict between their religious faith and the rationalist, secular mindset that made modern technology possible.” Driving on an interstate highway? You can probably thank the Nazis for that. What about nuclear power, radioactive isotopes, etc.? Guess who got us started there. First man in space? Circumnavigation of the glob…

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“Nobody Is Innocent”: David Gushee on Sexual Ethics, Suffering, and Full Inclusion for LGBT Christians

…get slotted into the narrative of decline: “If everything were right, the way it was supposed to be, the way it used to be then we wouldn’t have to be dealing with this problem.” So, a lot gets loaded on the shoulders of LGBT people. They become a symbol that’s not about them after a while. It’s about anxieties about cultural decline and moral confusion, Christendom fading, American religious pluralism, you name it. The story of LGBT people is a…

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