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Jeffress’ Statement About Trump’s God-Given Authority is Nonsense

In one way, Pastor Robert Jeffress is right. In an interview with the Washington Post, he elaborated on his statement that Donald Trump has complete authority from God to use any means necessary to “take out” Kim Jong-Un, even if that means war. Jeffress cited Paul’s letter to the Romans to back up his claim that God has endowed the President with the authority to “execute wrath on the wrongdoer.” He predicts that others will use the previous cha…

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Maybe It’s Time to Admit That The “Grotesque Caricature” of White Evangelicals is the Reality

…in the Trump era. The organizer of the gathering, Doug Birdsall, told the Washington Post that under Trump’s leadership, the term “evangelical” has taken on too many negative associations, especially when it comes to racism and nationalism. The goal of the gathering, then, was to address these concerns while returning the word “evangelical” to its core meaning. Rather than a political pariah, an “evangelical” is simply “a person who believes in t…

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Trump May Be “a Big Fan of Hindu,” But Hindus Are Running—and Winning—as Democrats

…running against the Democratic establishment, which backed a decades-long Washington insider, Tom Malinowski in the crowded Democratic Party. Jois views the narrative of Malinowski’s establishment-backed inevitability as particularly destructive for Democrats. “We’ve seen this movie before in 2016. We can’t simply assume we’re going to win; we need to engage with voters in every corner of the district. That’s why we’re using creative strategies,…

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Tony Perkins Will Fit Right in at Religious Freedom Commission

…Khaled Abou El Fadl, a Muslim who teaches at UCLA School of Law, told the Washington Post that “[USCIRF has] a very pronounced view of the world, and it is that victims of religious discrimination are invariably Christian. It was rather suffocating.” Apart from allegations of anti-Muslim bias, the commission has been charged with claims of bias toward Christians’ rights since its founding in the late 1990s. A consultation on religious persecution…

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Tony Perkins will Fit Right in at Religious Freedom Commission

…Khaled Abou El Fadl, a Muslim who teaches at UCLA School of Law, told the Washington Post that “[USCIRF has] a very pronounced view of the world, and it is that victims of religious discrimination are invariably Christian. It was rather suffocating.” Apart from allegations of anti-Muslim bias, the commission has been charged with claims of bias toward Christians’ rights since its founding in the late 1990s. A consultation on religious persecution…

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Glenn Beck’s Fox Show Gets Canned

…st: Since last August, when he summoned more than 100,000 followers to the Washington mall for the “Restoring Honor” rally, Mr. Beck has lost over a third of his audience on Fox — a greater percentage drop than other hosts at Fox,” David Carr wrote in early March. “True, he fell from the great heights of the health care debate in January 2010, but there has been worrisome erosion — more than one million viewers — especially in the younger demograp…

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Religious Freedom Manifesto Calls for Compromise and Civility—What’s So Wrong With That?

…lived up to expectations. At a Brookings Institution event in Washington, DC in the Fall of 2017, William Galston, a co-chair of the project, said: The American Charter Project will, before the end of the year, its backers and leaders fondly hope, release the American Charter of Religious Liberty. We hope to have a grand signing ceremony. We have outsized aspirations to get former presidents involved in the public exercise. So stay tuned, but we…

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God at the Gay Pride Parade

…religious groups are boosting their visibility in pride celebrations.  The Washington Post’s Michelle Boorstein noted the trend on the eve of D.C.’s Capital Pride celebration this past weekend: Organizers of this weekend’s Capital Pride named 14 faith-based groups participating in Sunday’s festival for the first time. They include Baptist, Lutheran and Quaker churches as well as the country’s largest Buddhist denomination, a Conservative synagogue…

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The Battle for the Meaning of Religious Freedom Day

…s Freedom. The Tennessee legislature as well as the Michigan House and the Washington House resolutions did manage to state that the Virginia Statute was a forerunner to the First Amendment and, in the case of Michigan, that the bill disestablished the Church of England, though they laded their resolutions with language about God and religion and how various Founding Fathers thought religion is important. That was not, however, the purpose or sign…

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Dems’ New Faith Outreach Director “Pro-Life” and Against Marriage Equality (Updated)

…, during Ralph Reed’s Faith and Freedom Coalition (FFC) conference held in Washington last June, Harkins was one of a group of faith leaders who participated in a press conference billed as “pushback” on the religious right, and challenging the support of many FFC participants for Rep. Paul Ryan’s budget plan. (I wrote about efforts of Democratic-leaning faith groups to challenge Ryan’s budget proposal at the FFC here.) The press conference Harkin…

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