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Anti-LGBT Equality NOM Seeks Legal Protection from Glaring

…ters after the owners contributed to Proposition 8: In another instance in Washington state, an opponent of marriage equality was collecting petition signatures to challenge a law granting legal protections to same-sex couples, when two ladies “glared at him and one said ‘we have feelings too.’” He did not report the incident to the police. So far, Terkel reports, “four federal judges and three state boards in seven states—California, Iowa, Maine,…

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Tea Partiers and DOMA

…18% of tea partiers do. This mirrored a similar finding in a University of Washington poll, which found that only 18% of Washington state tea partiers believe that gay and lesbian couples should have the right to marry (as compared to 41% of all voters). In other words, tea partiers are very much like the Republican Party on gay marriage. What’s the difference between a Tea Partier and a Republican? Well, of course, it’s hard to tell. But if you w…

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The Racial Politics of Atheism

…Which one? Why? One recent book I’ve read that I really admire is Harriet Washington’s exhaustively researched Medical Apartheid.  Washington nails how legacies of scientific racism and white supremacist medical experimentation inform contemporary perspectives on the black body. What’s your next book?  A novel based on the 1978 Jonestown massacre (from the perspective of two black women protagonists) and an anthology entitled Women of Color Beyon…

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VA Supreme Court Gives Episcopal Church Victory Over Breakaways

…al Church could not take with them the historic Falls Church, where George Washington was once vestryman. The Washington Post’s Michelle Boorstein has the details about this ruling and its larger context: Similar disputes have roiled Episcopal churches around the country and other parts of mainline Christianity, not only on questions of gay equality but also more secular issues related to property rights. The Virginia dispute also became an issue…

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Richard Land, Under Investigation for Plagiarism, Wages Religious Freedom War With Bishops

…many people in the pews are listening to the 350 “leaders” who gathered in Washington yesterday? As Weaver and the historian and journalist Brian Kaylor noted about Land when the plagiarism charges broke, Land’s status is propped up by journalists, but not necessarily respected at the grassroots. “He’s the go-to expert and supposedly has his finger on the pulse on Southern Baptists, but if you’re around Southern Baptists, you know that’s not true,…

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CPAC 2017: Hypocrites on Parade

…sort and Convention Center in Maryland, just across the Potomac River from Washington, D.C. While the American Conservative Union’s annual gathering has long served as a veritable who’s-who of far-right conservative movements, this year’s guest list is particularly star-studded, with nearly a dozen speakers from across the Trump administration scheduled to appear. Vice President Mike Pence will address the crowd tonight, and President Donald Trump…

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Bishops Search for Condoms in Cookie Boxes

…will gather 100,000+ strong for “Girl Scouts Rock the Mall” in Washington DC on the 9th of June. They hope to set a world record for the biggest sing-along in history. Their new theme song says it all: “Girl Scout ignite a dream, ignite your hope, ignite the world on fire.” Now that ought to be enough to make the bishops tremble in unison. The contrast between the girls and “the big boys” will be vivid that day. My favorite local troop just got b…

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Anti-Trans Bus Tour Is Not Very Welcome In Spanish Cities; Gay Rights As A Weapon In Nationalist War On Muslims; Global LGBT Recap

…t queer persons in India face while accessing justice, this report makes a number of arguments: First – laws which must guarantee and facilitate the full range of queer persons’ human rights, instead, operate to hinder or inhibit queer persons from accessing justice and seeking redress. Second – The attitude and behavior of police is one of the biggest barriers to queer persons’ access to the justice system in India. Not only do police officers co…

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American Bishops Pushed Rome on Nun Crackdown

…S Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB). According to sources in Rome and Washington, his successor at the conference’s doctrinal office – the then Bishop William Lori of Bridgeport, Connecticut – was the man who formally petitioned the CDF to launch the current doctrinal investigation of the LCWR. Cardinal Bernard Law, who was forced to resign as Archbishop of Boston in 2002 because of his perceived mishandling of the clerical sex-abuse crisis,…

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Rejecting the Stranger: Why Rod Dreher’s Vision of Communal Christian Life Is Not So Benedictine After All

…it along with books by Archbishop Charles Chaput and Anthony Esolen in the Washington Post under the headline “The New Alarmism.” Dreher, Chaput and Esolen, according to Smith, are the authors of “books intended for choirs: they are written to confirm biases, not change minds. They are not written to be overheard.” As is his wont, Dreher fired back at Smith in his column, talking about Smith’s former enthusiasm for the Benedict Option and calling…

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