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The Problem with the Discussion of Race and the Tea Party Movement

…ional interpretation and their nostalgia for “states’ rights.” Even if you buy revisionist Christian American history which argues that the founders detested slavery and sought to facilitate the end of the institution, there can be no argument over the fact that they did not “intend” African Americans (or women) to have the right to vote. George Lakoff has done some great work on this linguistic divide, especially as it relates to “family metaphor…

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Utah’s New Senator And The Intellectual Decline Of LDS Conservatism

…overeign state of Utah.” Yikes. But Lee himself should know better than to buy into the revanchist mythologizing of the Constitution and its framers espoused by Skousen and his followers. I’m holding in my hand his father’s book A Lawyer Looks at the Constitution (1981), which was published the same year as Cleon Skousen’s 5,000 Year Leap (now a bestseller, thanks to promotion by Beck). The two make for a striking comparison. Skousen, the former F…

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The New “Values Voters” Mantra

…OH-16), and Tom Perriello (VA-5). In a press release about the $125,000 ad buy, FRC highlighted its campaign against Perriello, a Democrat representing a swath of central and southwest Virginia who was once considered a poster child for the Democrats’ faith outreach. After helping to launch Catholics in Alliance for the Common Good and Faithful America, Perriello beat Republican incumbent Virgil Goode in 2008, but is now virtually tied in the poll…

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Clinging to Religion,
but Not Guns

…gun violence and deeply afraid of becoming victimized by gun violence, we buy more guns while loosening rather than tightening gun laws, thus actually increasing the chances that we or our loved ones will die a gun death. All of which has to lead to the conclusion that there is a spiritual reality underneath this social sickness. Is it too much to say that we are in the grip of “principalities and powers” that delight in the suffering they incite…

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Coming Out Twice: Sexuality and Gender in Islam

…positive reactions! Those who have negative reactions either don’t want to buy it, don’t care to read it, or have decided that silence is the more effective strategy to suppress its ideas.  Yet I am overwhelmed by the positive reactions that I hear. Many people write to me by internet to say that reading the book has saved their lives. This is the ultimate compliment, and may God bless them and me! To offer someone information and through that inf…

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Response: Is Proselytizing Offensive? Sure. But I Won’t Give Them the Satisfaction of Martyrdom

…hat while I have a great deal of respect and admiration for Jesus, I don’t buy the whole Nicene package. I also say that my faith, such as it is, is really important to me. Am I proselytizing when I say this? I suppose I am, in a way, though I’m fairly certain this isn’t what Chrissy had in mind. Is it offensive? I hope not. What I absolutely never do is peddle false faith-centered comfort to bereaved or traumatized people. To me there’s a bright…

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Not Even Camping’s Followers Believe End is Nigh

…are going to leave this world very soon. Not that I think those who don’t buy into this silliness should shy away from having fun. I think the many Judgment Day pub crawls and Rapture parties are terrific. Humor is an invaluable tool for shining a light on crazy. According to this piece by Michael Tracey, even the most devoted of Harold Camping’s followers are having trouble ingesting the blue pill. On a visit to a New Jersey radio station that b…

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Men Without Guns: A Tribute to Larry McMurtry

…sell both the Bible and a book deliciously skewering the tacky people who buy it. A marketing strategist for white evangelical publishing calls this “Reaching Men by Tribes,” using psychographics to create a market, divide by market, and control Christianity. (Another “tribe” is “Fight Club Church.”) Most offensive to me, a girl born 40 miles south of McMurtry’s Archer City, is the inanity of “Cowboy” and “Church” in the materials for this scheme…

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“I ‘Came Out’ For Marriage Equality”: An Anti-Gay Activist Changes His Mind

…en to what you’re told, or to follow the lead and do what others do, or to buy in to some of the rhetoric that organizations like the National Organization for Marriage spew out every day—that is indicative of a person who hasn’t made up their own mind, who hasn’t examined the issue independently and come to an independent conclusion. Because I’m of the belief that if you do look at this particular issue, with an open mind, and you examine it inde…

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‘The Real Housewives of Salt Lake City’ Has a ‘Real Religion’ Problem

…am squad. In other arenas, solutions are ready at hand—one can just go and buy the newest Lamborghini or Birkin, and the rock is moved a little up the hill. But religion isn’t something one can be perfect at, and in their striving for religious real-ness, the cast members, particularly Heather and Whitney, are cluing us in to the hard lessons of lived religion. But they’re only hard lessons because of the persistence of the real as a kind of taunt…

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