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Paul Ryan’s Bible, Jim Wallis’, Or None of the Above?

…or decades. The evangelicals tolerate it, because, minus the atheism, they buy it, too. As Jeff Sharlet showed in his book The Family, the founder of that powerful organization, Abraham Vereide, got his start as a union-buster and opponent of the New Deal. The Family, or Fellowship, offers religious succor, counsel, and cover to Washington’s most powerful people, and its annual National Prayer Breakfast is attended by Democrats and Republicans ali…

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Why America’s Whitewashed Thanksgiving Needs to Go: A Short Study in the Power of White Christian Mythmaking

…ns subjected to the most extreme conditions. But we must be clear that the buying and selling and torturing of people of African descent was not the original sin. The original sin (lower case) was the assumption by white settlers of a God-given right to take possession of all they surveyed—a right to exercise complete dominion, using any amount of violence to achieve it. And for all their claims to have launched a better and higher mission in Plym…

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The Religious Reason Many Americans Refuse to Wear Masks

…to the hospital where he was given the best American health care money can buy—a million dollars’ worth by some estimates. Among other “miracle” treatments, the President received remdesivir (an anti-viral medication), dexamethasone (a steroid for inflammation), and Regeneron’s still experimental antibody cocktail (tested, like remdesivir, on cell lines made from aborted fetal tissue—but that’s a story for another time). After a mere three days (l…

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Archbishop’s Theology is Wearing No Clothes

…hat deserves an equally deeply-reasoned response. To claim otherwise is to buy into the smoke and mirrors that some religious professional employ to ply their trade. Fortunately, we live in a society where citizens like Mr. Dolan are entitled to their opinions, however spurious their claims may be. But not even Catholics are under any obligation to privilege such nonsense simply because he has an ecclesial title. “The True Meaning of Marriage” is…

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Why ‘Respectable’ Evangelicals Can’t Rein in Evangelical Conspiracy Theorists

…istianity in your marriage, in your workplace, or in your school.” I don’t buy this distinction, but it is a key premise in French’s argument. When it comes to politics, French maintains that “the theological ‘training’ consists mainly of education about issues and controversies that Christians should be aware of and concerned about.” That is, voting for candidates who are anti-choice, anti-LGBTQ equality, etc. The solution, therefore, is for evan…

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You Can Take The Boy Out of the Crack House: MyPillow CEO’s New Book Promo Has Deep Roots in American Christianity

…of the tawdriest sort, the kind of remainder-bin book most people sensibly buy for kindling or building walls with. But there’s Lindell nattering away about nearly getting killed over a gambling debt in Mexico as though it were the highlight of his career. Is it a rags-to-riches saga? Is it a story of amazing grace redeeming even the most broken soul? Is it a brag of celebrity friendship with the likes of Jerry Falwell, Jr., despite humble origins…

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Who’s ‘Really’ Jewish: the Sefardi Floridian, the Ashkenazi Californian, or the New York Jew By Choice? ‘Authenticity’ is a Trap

…Those looking for magical expressions of Judaism may find numerous ways to buy protective talismans and healing cups purported to be blessed by rabbis and imbued with kabbalistic power. In mythologizing the look and sound of a ‘real’ Jew, and the feeling of the ‘real’ ritual, we diminish the depth and diversity of Judaism, and place Jewishness into narrow focus. Who’s more authentic, the Sefardi Floridian, the Ashkenazi Californian, or the New Yor…

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The Broken Promise of Gwyneth Paltrow’s ‘The Goop Lab’

…alienation in the first place. Freedom becomes a thing that you can either buy, or, lacking that, lead you toward an ever-receding target that tends to promote an unending, anti-political, winding inward pursuit of health and wellbeing. Thus does Paltrow declare in the episode on aging, “I’ve tried a million, different crazy fasts and diets … but this one was pretty incredible.” Freedom without direction, however, very quickly becomes alienation….

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Yes, Virginia: There IS a War on Christmas: Its Revolutionary Meaning is Inverted in the Winner-Take-All Era

…ion that rightfully belongs to them at Christmas. Whereas the affluent can buy all of these things. The affluent can readily access spaces of stillness and beauty; they can purchase a Shaker-like simplicity. There are alpine resorts and meditation centers that will guarantee the whitest of Christmases (in more ways than one). And there are particular churches that are more or less reserved for the comfort and consolation of the upper middle class;…

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Clergy Shouldn’t Be Able to Steal Funds for Grindr or Dolls

…h clerk—a “church lady”—in the archdiocese of New York stole $1 million to buy dolls. Nor is the problem limited to the Catholic Church. Nearly every sect has seen million-dollar fraud from within, including Episcopalians, Baptists, Pentecostals, Presbyterians, and other religions too. We could debate whether immoral people seek out positions in the clergy or whether clerical life corrupts people, but that debate misses the point. Most crimes are…

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