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Cinema and the Re-Creation of the World

…tar and offer them glimpses of another world: a promised world, a despised world, or a world in which life consists of myriad choices between one scenario or another. One of film’s functions is to create alternative worlds and invite its viewers to partake in its audio-visual delights. We experience these worlds through the screen and speakers, before returning—enriched, depressed, enlivened, transformed—to mundane life. Film productions take the…

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‘When I Spoke in Tongues’ Points the Way Out of Fundamentalist Christianity

…l systems compounds the challenge of integrating into and navigating a new world—a world one hopes will better complement one’s identity. Our identities are closely and intimately tied to our social systems (e.g., family and religion) and reinforced, maintained, and preserved in the relationships embedded in those systems. Therefore, when we incur such losses—and, specifically, where a unique and powerful meaning is generated—finding a social scri…

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Ministries of Presence: A Report from Nepal

…little baby girl to sleep for her morning nap.” Three Guys from Wisconsin Ruins of a church in the rural foothills of the Himalayas outside Kathmandu where the Wisconsin guys brought relief supplies earlier this month. Photo from I heard them before I could see them. One morning early on in my Nepalese sojourn, I heard the distinctly flat-accented voices of men from the American Midwest waft up from the street through an open…

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Publisher Withdraws History of Hinduism, Amid Protest

…ulp all remaining copies of the book in India, and declare respect for all world religions. Another way to tell the story: A major international publishing house with financial resources at its disposal has destroyed its own intellectual product in response to a Hindu group who appealed to a law that was written in the colonial era and enforced by the British. The reaction of the public has been swift and furious. Arundhati Roy has weighed in, as…

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In Sexual Abuse Hearing UN Calls Holy See on Girls’ Reproductive Rights

…e Vatican was called to account for crimes against children in a prominent international forum does not bode well. As Anthea Butler pointed out here on RD, while Tomasi and Scicluna spent some eight hours shifting uncomfortably in their seats, grimacing, lowering their gaze, laughing nervously, denying reality, and feigning gratitude for the Committee’s suggestions, Pope Francis was spending his time with one of the church’s most notorious enabler…

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Conservative Christianity and Its Discontents

…leaders, reflects the moral decay of society, not an open, more accepting world. Or, as Santorum told viewers of Fox News: “There are all sorts of studies out there that suggest just the contrary, and there are people who were gay and lived the gay lifestyle and aren’t anymore.” Amateur Hour As conservative Christians adopt a counterview on sex and gender, they learn alternate versions of history, too. Populist historians within evangelicalism, l…

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Can Christians Lie? How Conservative Evangelical Bible Interpretation Has Shaped ‘Truth’

…ost’s articles explained, part of the answer lay in the careful parsing of words. It’s true, for instance, that there’s no new “law” requiring family separation. But there is a new “zero-tolerance” policy (now possibly rescinded) of prosecuting adults for crossing the border. That prosecution can, by Administration discretion about how to apply and prosecute the law, lead to family separation. Thus, “the law” did exist under the Obama administrati…

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What To Do When Fred Phelps Arrives in Your Neighborhood

…that the real dissent of our past and present takes. It does not take the rule-breaking and risk of young students at a Greensboro lunch counter or many others. Neither does Fred Phelps’ nastiness. And yet, today it feels somewhat better than intruding on grief. Or giving Fred Phelps even more press than this article does.   Angry Speech in Our Hearts Like fantasy sports, fantasy picketing has its downsides. Risks include endemic couch potato-hoo…

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Sean Feucht’s New Year’s Rockin’ Superspreader Revival is a ‘Tepid and Meager’ Effort at Racial Reconciliation

…d-induced restrictions on worship, a move critics say is to excuse blatant rule-breaking and obscure the real purpose of the events. And while courts have given credibility to aspects of Feucht’s argument—most notably in a series of recent Supreme Court decisions in favor of houses of worship opposed to local restrictions—Feucht himself seems to have a higher calling in mind: religious revival. His personal website sells “Revival or Bust” T-shirts…

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New Study of Christian Nationalism in Texas Should be a Warning for the Whole Country

…ca.” Senator Cruz has also deployed his father, itinerant preacher Rafael Cruz, as a campaign surrogate. Cruz père, who is outspoken in his calls for conservative Christian hegemony, preaches Seven Mountains Dominionism, a religious ideology which overlaps with Christian Americanism and calls for Christians to take “dominion” over society and government. Senator Cruz himself echoes these dominionist sentiments in his epilogue to Rafael’s book, A T…

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