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The Lament of the Christian Disney Dad: What Evangelicals Really Hate About ‘Wokeness’ at Disney World

…n sounded a lot like Walt Disney: “Imagination is the true magic carpet”; “Change your thoughts and you change the world.” For evangelicals in this tradition, the song from Cinderella is spot on: “Whatever you wish for, you keep.” But another kind of Disneyfied thinking is even more widespread in evangelicalism: the desire to see the past as a golden age of moral uprightness. This tendency has extreme versions, like evangelical pastor Doug Wilson’…

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Why Egypt is America’s Enemy

…ders of Turkey and Iran, obligated women to uncover their heads and men to change how they covered theirs; in Turkey, some who refused to change their clothes were executed). This merry-go-round is getting nauseating.  After June 30th, people wondered whether Algeria was Egypt’s fate, or whether something worse is around the corner. In Today’s Zaman, I argued that Pakistan might be the more operative analogy. With weapons flowing in from Qaddafi’s…

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Sex Comes For the Archbishop: Rembert Weakland’s Unflinching Memoir

…ay to get him out of the Vatican’s hair in his role as advocate for Church change via a religious order. As head of the Benedictines, Weakland was in a strong position to raise tough issues. But for whatever reason, he served as Milwaukee’s bishop for two decades in an ethnically diverse and theologically challenging city. His efforts at liturgical reform, participatory development of ideas and policies, and inclusion of women and lay men in the r…

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Trump’s Lawsuit Amounts to ‘a Tweet With a Filing Fee,’ But That’s Not the Whole Strategy

…the will of the people. Once the polls close on Election Day, nothing can change the outcome. Except litigation. It’s tempting to think that Trump only wants to freeze the numbers at a time when it might be favorable to him. That’s part of his rationale, but he’s also trying to gum up the system. The plan is to start litigating these cases now, but figure out the best arguments as the cases progress in the precincts where they might do the most d…

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Burning Man: Religious Event or Sheer Hedonism?

…of each other as individuals (rather than simply elements of a commodity exchange), the event defines itself as a “gift economy” rather than as a commercial festival. In practice, this means that—aside from an ice concession and a central café that sells only coffee and tea—no money is supposed to change hands within the confines of Black Rock City. Rather than paying or bartering for goods and experiences, participants are encouraged to give thei…

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Can a Church Split Truly Be Gracious?

…ith an affirmative vote the members of the congregation would soon vote to change their denominational identity, I explained that they were powerless to change their ultimate identity. I preached to myself, as much for them: Despite the weighty choice of the vote to come, a simple truth remains: there is no way to vote your way out of God’s love. No string of denominational acronyms can ever put you beyond the power of God’s grace. Jesus first vot…

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2 Steps Forward, 3 Steps Back, 1 Step Sideways: The Chaotic Progression of LGBTQ Inclusion at Christian Colleges

…and presented a workshop on these students’ needs and activism at Creating Change, the National LGBTQ Task Force annual conference in February. Professor Bevins’ experience at George Fox is similar to my own very public departure in 2013 from Azusa Pacific University, where I was at one time its chair of theology and philosophy, and taught ministry and theology for 15 years while complying with, then recovering from the near-fatal effects of vario…

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Marriage Equality Coming To Taiwan In Spite of Religious Objectors?; Anti-Gay Ruling Sought By Indonesian Islamists Threatens Women & Poor Couples; LDS Church Launches New ‘Mormon and Gay’ Site; Global LGBT Recap

…riage and LGBT advocates have been involved in a long campaign to demand a change in the law. While Gareth Lee, whose order was cancelled, welcomed the Court of Appeal decision, Ashers general manager Daniel McArthur expressed his “extreme disappointment”. “If equality law means people can be punished for politely refusing to support other people’s causes, then equality law needs to change,” he said as he emerged from court surrounded by his famil…

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Does Hitchens Have a Prayer?

…tude of their guardian angels and patron saints. And what if Hitchens does change his mind? He has not been afraid to change his mind about things before, pre-emptive war being one. What of those people who would view a sickbed retraction not as a triumph for Hitchens or for God but as a point scored for themselves? We were right, Hitch was wrong, and even if it turns out there is no God, at least we have that victory for consolation. Is there any…

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