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How U.S. Conservatives Conjured the Jesus of Their Dreams

…The Fellowship), the shadowy network behind the National Prayer Breakfast that Jeff Sharlet has documented so well. It hardly needs saying that the Trump family’s favorite minister—the positive thinking (and also union-hating!) Norman Vincent Peale—was also very much part of this mix. Dwight Eisenhower became the conservative crusaders’ tool in getting “In God We Trust” on all forms of currency and getting the words “under God” into the Pledge of…

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Is Proselytizing Ever Okay? Are We All Proselytizing All The Time?

…some others)—deal with it. In addition to what I said above, let me note that religions are what their adherents make of them. Their teachings are always subject to communally mediated interpretation, and they are reformable. Some Christians interpret the so-called “Great Commission” (Matthew 28:19-20) as a call to humanitarian action rather than efforts to convert people specifically to Christianity. Others take the fairly benign approach of sim…

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Of Love and Lodging: Doctor Who Part VIII

hat’s because the Doctor’s conception of “extraordinary” isn’t the opposite of “ordinary”—he utterly rejects that opposition. He opts for a view that is perhaps a bit more paradoxical, like the simultaneous “lodging” and breaking free that James mentions. Alien spaceships aside, the relationship between Craig and Sophie is extraordinarily ordinary, but that means it’s extraordinarily human—and, for the Doctor, that is the most wonderful thing in t…

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What ‘Faith Groups Do X’ Journalism Reveals About the Press’s Priorities

…ght seem like somewhat silly examples, but it’s hardly a stretch to argue that what was at stake for the shapers of media narratives and public opinion in the “Millennials Have Killed X” genre was their vested interest in defending capitalism. Even silly trends are revealing. And how about this one: throughout the Trump years, but especially early on, we were bombarded with lazy think piece after lazy think piece expressing bewilderment over white…

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Wesolowski Sexual Abuse Case a New Approach or Same Old Same Old?

…ecution in other locations. They have already hedged their bets by saying that it is not clear that the new 2013 Vatican guidelines can be applied retroactively in this case. Problems of double jeopardy remain of course. In short, while the Vatican’s rhetoric is promising, the timing and expected next steps make clear that not much has changed at all. So far, the so-called punishment is an insult to Catholics everywhere. “Reduction to the lay stat…

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Should Evangelicals Smoke Pot?

…t in our particular cultural context, we think it would be foolish to use that freedom. For the CT editors, the moral quality of marijuana use seems to depend entirely upon the “cultural context” in which it occurs. And since our particular context is not conducive to marijuana use, marijuana use would be “foolish” within it. Crouch explains: In our North American context, what is the function of pot? It is associated with superficially pleasant d…

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The Missing Element in the Conversation on Christian Nationalism and Freedom: Whiteness

…thin the overall march of freedom but is entirely congruent with the idea that freedom and whiteness belong together: that white people have a special claim, a special entitlement, to the enjoyment of individual freedom. Stovall meticulously lays out how the democratization project in the West simultaneously enshrined the idea that democracy is a whites-only proposition. He shows how Britain, France, and the US were all enforcing racial subjugatio…

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Another Far Right Theocrat Shows up on the Trump Team

…ans Hacker, in a 2005 book on the rise of these Christian law firms notes that (in 2005) the argument that Christians were a minority in need of protection was not persuasive in the broader religious right. That same year, Sekulow was chosen as one of Time magazine’s 25 most influential evangelicals. A little over a decade later, conservative Christians across the country have come around to the ACLJ’s perspective and now see themselves as targete…

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Cardinal Who Once Compared Gay People to Klan Warns Church is Being “Despoiled”

…al committee holds hearings at your behest? “When the government couldn’t tell us which of our ministries are Catholic and which are not”=We would please like an exemption from generally applicable laws that everyone else has to comply with, exemptions that are not envisioned or required by settled law on the Free Exercise Clause. “The state is making itself into a church.”=Um, what?

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