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Religious Freedom Org Sticking By Trump Clinging to SCOTUS Nominations

…clubs, forced funding of abortion, ObamaCare exemptions, school vouchers, online child pornography, and the public acknowledgement of God—all hang by one vote. Among that laundry list of liberties supposedly under siege, roughly a third have to do with LGBT people. “Religious freedom” has become a code-word for those looking to stymie LGBT equality. Any “threat” to marriage always seems to come from those hoping to access the institution, but nev…

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Conservative French Catholics a ‘Rightwing Patriarchal Bunch’?; Indonesian Prez Decries Anti-LGBT Discrimination; Romanian Prez Warns Against ‘Religious Fanaticism’; Global LGBT Recap

…ercent in the Americas, 41 percent in Europe and 56 percent in Oceania the online survey found. These divisions reflect that rights advocates in Africa and Asia have focused on more pressing issues, such as fighting discrimination against gays rather than promoting acceptance of same-sex marriage, said study co-author Aengus Carroll. “This is so far off the agenda for Africa and Asia,” Carroll told the Thomson Reuters Foundation. France: Conservat…

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Indie Catholicism is Real: Married Clergy, LGBT Ordination, and Sacramental Justice for All

…t happens to have all the scholarly apparatus, too. There are endnotes and—online at Columbia’s web page for the book—a full bibliography and bibliographic essay. Are you hoping to just inform readers? Entertain them? Piss them off? I have heard from people who said they were reading the book and laughing out loud, so apparently it has moments of humor or at least delight. I assume that some readers will feel suspicious, disturbed or angry. Indepe…

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River Baptism

Will Church Attendance Reduce Bigotry? A Response to Peter Beinart

…Sunday. People often forget the brotherhood of humanity when they go back online or watch cable news. That’s true even when they tell you how much they worry about partisanship. The religious realm—not just Christianity, but all sorts of faiths—can moderate conflict and even help create the conditions for reconciliation. But it’s never perfect; it’s always subject to outside forces, and it takes a long time. In 1844, the Methodist church split ov…

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For Better or Worse: The Rise of the Professional Wedding Celebrant

…nity of free-thinking clergy, but in reality they’re little more than a website. “We do not have tests of loyalty, religious rings to kiss, nor do we require payment,” their website snarkily proclaims. True, you can get a Universal Life ordination for free by filling out a web form, but if you want an actual ordination certificate, suitable for framing, it will set you back $8.99. Unlike diploma mills, ordination mills like the Universal Life Chur…

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Australians Vote Overwhelmingly For Marriage Equality; and More in Global LGBT Recap

…ot offend the rights of third parties or the public good.” More from Mamba Online: The six judges of the council agreed and found that under the Constitution, as amended in 2004, the “moral order” or “the public good” are not legitimate grounds on which to bar any organisation and thereby declared the clause unconstitutional. A Lambda spokesperson told the Mozambique News Agency (AIM) that he regarded the Constitutional Council ruling as “a great…

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Public Shrines to Treason: Charlottesville and the Cult of Confederate Memorialization

…of a local paper, a venue, too, for the repetition of the ISIS analogy in online comments. The logic here links those who would remove Confederate monuments to ISIS both in terms of occupation and of religious war. Those opposed to the monument are presented as a capricious, violently oppressive army, and outsiders to boot—power-hungry and disrespectful carpetbaggers. The comparison is also, of course, hyperbolic, as the use of an actual ISIS tac…

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Will International Criminal Court Bring Charges Against ISIS For Gender-Based Persecution?; And More in Global LGBT Recap

…n itself a moral problem.” It is not just Muslims who are turning to these online websites, the BBC has also seen posts from individuals from Sikh and Hindu backgrounds. Dipen Rajyaguru, the director of human rights and equality for the Hindu Council UK believes it is a cultural problem rather than a religious one. “People are forced into marriages of convenience because of those [cultural] pressures,” he said. “But, in terms of Hinduism, there is…

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Puerto Rico Prays for Truth: Reporter David Begnaud’s Sacred Mission

…reaction to—admiration for and awe at—the work Begnaud has been doing. An online petition urging recognition for this work cites “his arduous work, empathy, kindness and overall dedication to giving the world a true glimpse into this catastrophic event that is upon the people of the Island of Puerto Rico.” One Puerto Rican on the mainland articulates a widespread sense: “You are our source for truthful information.” Begnaud stands in the face of…

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Reconsidering “Love the Sinner, Hate the Sin”: An Interview with Ethicist Eric Reitan

…e a measure of self-protection and self-love and a recognition, especially online. I’m trying, with my book, to help to lay the groundwork so this kind of positive dialogue becomes a real possibility. I find it fascinating that, in the book, you view Kim Davis through this Christian ethic lens and come to her defense in some ways in an effort to help readers understand where she was coming from according to her particular strain of Christianity. I…

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