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Creating a Cell: Science Plays God

…to those questions: humans ‘play God’ all the time, every day (from the design, testing, and using of drugs to handing down court decisions); such new organisms need to be strictly regulated and monitored, easily traceable, and tested in the external environment, because they always do eventually enter it; the government, industry, universities, and scientists at the federal and international level should be and are discussing and monitoring such…

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A Primer on Activism from Unitarian Universalists

…otesters got swept into the jailhouse. The UU engagement in Arizona made a significant impact. Following are seven lessons this experience offers for the faith community on effectively engaging and mobilizing people around the immigration crisis (or other social justice issues). 1) Engage leadership. The UUA president made a personal commitment on the issue. He offered to go to Arizona. He issued an invitation to others. He agreed to get arrested….

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No Space for American Islam?

…a shadowy leader with insidious motives and relationships. One man held a sign addressed to Bloomberg: “Don’t you know the Mosque has radical ties?” A woman at the hearing railed against a Cordoba Initiative project called the “Sharia Index.” During her statements, an advisor to Imam Feisal explained the project to me. Modeled after the UN Index, it was intended as a comprehensive measurement of quality of life standards in Muslim countries. It w…

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Building Jesus out of Toast, “Pro-Life” Effigies, Apple is a Religion, and Taunting Muslims with Dogs

…nswers in Genesis, argues that the Smithsonian’s new Hall of Human Origins promotes atheism. Ham is one of the founders of the Creation Museum, proving that one museum’s atheism is another museum’s science. A Methodist minister will be tweeting the Eucharist 140 characters at a time. A Christian graduate student at Augusta State University is suing the school for religious discrimination because her counseling department demanded she work to chang…

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The “Shrinking Influence” of Social Conservatives at the United Nations

…mission finally prevailed in its three-year effort to obtain the status, a sign “of the shrinking influence of American social conservatives at the United Nations.” Congressional conservatives Trent Franks (R-AZ) and Christopher Smith (R-NJ) — heroes of the religious right — had joined with Muslim countries in an effort to block the IGLHRC’s application. Lynch observed: In previous years, American conservatives like Smith, backed by the White Hous…

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The Mullet and the Mullahs: Iran’s War on Hair Reveals Ahmadinejad’s Weakness

…they also decided to ban several other haircuts. This move strikes me as a sign of impotence on the part of Ahmedinejad. As I have written about regarding the Saudi Arabians, decisions like this are an attempt to flex muscles that do not actually exist. The crackdown on the public sphere is something that is usually resented by Iranians. However, after the rise of the Green Movement last year, the crackdown on men’s hair can be seen as a way to ex…

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Religious Groups Call On Justice Department to Protect Muslims

…ew the willingness of the Attorney General to meet with them as a positive sign of the seriousness with which the administration views the rising anti-Muslim bigotry and hate crimes. The original meeting participants will be joined by a broader range of faith groups, and are urging the Attorney General to make a public statement on these issues. Although not planned to coincide, the meeting takes place on the same day as the Emergency Faith Leader…

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Gulf Residents Urged to Unite in Prayer

…blown in from the Gulf of Mexico. When people face losing everything they love, prayer is a source of hope and comfort. However, the irony of our anti-science governor signing a prayer proclamation when he would not sign his name to protect the teaching of science is a bit much….

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Every Homo Reptilia is Somebody’s Sister: Doctor Who Part VI

…fspring, someone’s sibling, someone’s parent, or in some other way someone significant to someone else. As a survival mechanism we have a tendency to forge relationships of blood, friendship, or ideology, and then engage in competition with others who are at best more distantly related, and in some fashion “different” from us. It is for pointing out how morality based on such allegiances breaks down that I appreciate the parable of “the Good Samar…

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Build the Muslim Community Center at Ground Zero

…ot to know someone, had a swim or listened to a lecture. Forgiveness needs signs and symbols. Religious institutions need signs and symbols. Forgiveness doesn’t happen all at once. But it could begin with a building permit at Ground Zero. Finally, that word love, which so many wrongly imagine as a soft verb. There is nothing soft about love. It is the most dangerous action in the world. Because we can’t love, because most of us do know the risks,…

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