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Touchdown Jesus Burns to the Ground

…e seen God’s work through that church serving them with that money.” Apparently, the church hasn’t learned its lesson: The church’s electronic sign had a simple message flashing Tuesday: “He’ll Be Back.”…

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Glenn Beck’s Nazi Tourette’s

…to our friends at The Revealer (they’ve relaunched… go check them out and sign up for their newsletter here): Yesterday [May 28th] Glenn Beck struck out at Simon Greer, President and CEO of Jewish Funds for Justice for his recent statement of support for government as a tool for protecting and facilitating the common good in society. Beck was moved by Greer’s rather moderate statement to respond, on his Premier Radio Networks show, thusly: This l…

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Immigration Reveals the Many Faces of Jesus

…can Family Association, who swears that Jesus, if he were in charge, would sign the Arizona immigration measure into law “in a heartbeat.” Why, I asked rhetorically? “Because of his compassion.” This compassion is for the citizens of Arizona who are subject to home invasions, out-of-control drug trafficking, human smuggling, the constant threat of kidnappings, and a $2.7 billion price tag for all the social problems caused by illegal aliens. The c…

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Rand Paul and the Influence of Christian Reconstructionism

…supporter of the former presidential candidate, whom he is encouraging to promote a home school curriculum.  The Pauls and North have connections to the Constitution Party, founded by Christian Reconstructionist Howard Phillips, also founder of the 1980s Christian right group the Conservative Caucus. Ron Paul has spoken at Constitution Party events and Phillips has spoken for Ron Paul in favor of his candidacy for president. Rand Paul went on to…

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Degrees of Separation

…are different dynamics vis-à-vis mosque politics. The more Urdu visible in signs and used for announcements from the men’s side on the loudspeaker, and from the women’s side from this one woman (always the same woman), means it is a predominantly Pakistani mosque. Arabic has a necessary privilege in the religion because of the text, and it was the language of the Prophet. So his statements might be placed on the walls or for decoration. Obviously,…

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Evangelicals have “Deep Concerns” about Beck

…ns and take aim at the Beck celebrity. “The possibility that Beck might be promoting Romney, promoting himself, or might be promoting his TV program or radio listenership, people have a right to suspect Beck’s motives and have a right to withhold a warm embrace,” said Smith. I asked Smith whether Beck’s “God-talk” on the Mall Saturday could act as a bridge between conservative evangelicals and the tea party movement. He said, “I think the answer i…

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Satire is Religion

…ence was later commuted to wearing a double cross on her outer garments to signify her repentance and admission of error. Back in the day, Yahweh probably would have had her stoned (see Leviticus 24), but his medieval viceroys wanted her kept alive to proclaim the falsity of her former opinion. For Beatrice’s blasphemy was not defilement of God’s name as such, but defiance of the earthly authorities who had installed themselves as the custodians o…

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Civil Rights and Soul: Memphis 2010

…. He marched along with a thousand men, including Nickelberry, all holding signs that said, “I Am A Man.” The night of his famous last speech, he had not been scheduled, but had arrived at the urging of his friend and confidant the Rev. Ralph Abernathy. “Like anybody, I would like to live a long life,” King said. “Longevity has its place. But I’m not concerned about that now. I just want to do God’s will. And He’s allowed me to go up to the mounta…

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Sarah Palin Calls Biblical Patriarchs “Neanderthals”

…response to Palin’s comments, John Lofton posted comments on his website The American View, and went on to decry that “even The ‘Conservative’ Women—Most Of Whom Claim To Be ‘Christians’—Are Feminists! Not A Good Sign…” with a link to Concerned Women for America’s press release celebrating the 90th anniversary of women gaining the right to vote. This is one part of the Tea Party Palin is unlikely to win over….

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Indonesia: As Volcano Erupts, a Spiritual Loss

…ries of natural disasters that have struck Indonesia in recent years are a sign that the end of the world and the Day of Judgment are at hand. Others report having visions or dreams in which victims ask them for prayers. Some survivors tell miraculous stories of be warned by spiritual beings of the coming danger and being told to pray and recite the Qur’an. One family who lived only a few hundred yards from Mbah Marijan’s compound escaped with onl…

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