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Dispatches From the Site of a Massacre

…rely white—and European only with difficulty. Many Muslims view the Middle East, sometimes defined generously to include Berbers, Turks, or South Asians, as a kind of Islamic heartland, where the “real Islam” exists; those from outside the region are assumed to be more recently converted, and thus less authentically Muslim. This frame’s even used by those who consider it charitable: Indonesia’s Islam is often described as syncretic, which means mo…

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Touched by a Michael Landon: America’s Jewish Angel

…schoolhouse is hot As the teacher teaches little children The Hebrew alphabet Look, my children, remember, my dears What you learn here… “Oyfn Pripetchik” is among the most enduring folk tunes of Eastern European Jewish culture. Written late in the 19th century by the Russian Jewish lawyer Mark Warshafsky, the song was made famous by the father of Yiddish literature, Sholem Aleichem, who wrote an introduction to the first published edition of War…

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Why The Book of Mormon (the Musical) is Awesomely Lame

…ionary. The problem is that contemporary Mormons don’t believe in hell—at least not the way other Christians understand that word. The screenwriters could have learned this in about one minute of online research, or a single conversation with a church member. Yes, Mormons speak of “outer darkness”—the hell-place reserved for Satan and the “sons of perdition” who defected from God during the War in Heaven. But for all the mortals who have ever sinn…

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How Breivik’s “Cultural Analysis” is Drawn from the “Christian Worldview”

…n every direction from its traditional heartland: south into black Africa, east into Southeast Asia and the Philippines, north into Europe. And also West: the fastest-growing religion in the United States is Islam. Islam’s thrust northward into Europe, the heartland of Western culture, is worth a closer look. Islamic immigration into France has been so massive as to reverse the verdict of the battle of Tours; southern France now has more mosques t…

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Prophets of the Environmental Apocalypse

…ar anxiety about The End has actually been with us for quite some time—at least from the moment in July 1945 when Manhattan Project mastermind J. Robert Oppenheimer quoted Vedic scripture at Los Alamos: “I am become Death, destroyer of worlds.” Many Americans actually felt pretty good about the nuclear bomb for a little bit, though that changed once those damned Russkies got a bomb of their own. Partly to allay growing fears of annihilation, Presi…

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Tattoos, Cremation, Personal Spirituality: The Jewish World in Transformation

…85th Street, which was Modern Orthodox. There was a rather stark contrast between the worldview taught at the Orthodox Zionist school as opposed to the perspective on religion and ethnicity held by the liberal congregations. By the second or third grade, I was already obsessively trying to figure out why my synagogue and my school seemed to present Judaism so differently. That is a question that has followed me all of my life. I left Ramaz after…

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Dumbest Interview About Islam of All Time

…nd there is a very big group of people who really understand the Koran far better than I do. I’m certainly not an expert, to put it mildly. But there’s something there that teaches some very negative vibe. I mean things are happening, when you look at people blowing up all over the streets that are in some of the countries over in the Middle East, just blowing up a super market with not even soldiers, just people, when 250 people die in a super ma…

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Pat Robertson Gaga for Gbagbo

…rican Center for Law and Justice’s activities in Zimbabwe (where ACLJ also promotes recognition of a “Christian nation”): The Zimbabwe outpost of the ACLJ isn’t Robertson’s first foray into Africa. Earlier this year, prosecutors in the war crime trial of former Liberian warlord Charles Taylor alleged that the televangelist had lobbied the Bush White House on his behalf in exchange for lucrative gold mining contracts—a claim Robertson denied. And i…

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Of Gods and Men Resurrects Martyrdom

…ngs, bear witness to the land. In an area increasingly beset by suburban sprawl, they live on a working farm. As the global ecological crisis worsens and inaction still reigns, they’re learning how to implement an ambitious environmental sustainability plan. It will make them better caretakers of the land that they’ve committed themselves to live—and die—on. Maybe it’s best to save the word “martyr” for other, more violent witnessing happening now…

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Hagee and Others See
End Times in North African Revolutions

…years ago the prophet Ezekial told us exactly which nations in the Middle East would join forces to start a major war. What you’re seeing on the television screen is exactly this,” Hagee said, stringing together a series of non sequitur headlines to make a case for . . . a case for . . . . Jesus? Almost forty years ago, California Christian pastor Hal Lindsey offered a Cold War inflected vision of the endtimes in his bestselling and widely influe…

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