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“The Gift of Gay”: Father Matthew Kelty, Confessor to Thomas Merton, Dies at 96

…mmunion. He did so because he had come to feel a responsibility to those “least among us” who were not moving on a path toward acceptance in as straight a line as many in the late ’60s and early ’70s had hoped. But you also hear more than a subtle echo of what Matthew learned from Merton’s heterosexual torment. It remains true that given our national climate, it will take a while to let love loose. And then to let love grow, deeper, greater, wider…

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Breivik Sought to Create ‘Mirror Universe’ of EU

…place in a similar hierarchical firmament. As the European Union stretched east, many grumbled that Eastern Europeans didn’t belong. They might be white on the outside, but inside—where it mattered—they were still dark. And now we have Breivik, part of a wider trend of anti-Muslim rage, which identifies Islam as a threat to the West. All of it. Breivik’s rhetoric was influenced by white power, Christian triumphalism, and European nationalisms, but…

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Taking the Economy Back From the Elites: Blessed Are the Organized

…rgely silent on the transfer of wealth and power that occurred in the U.S. between 1965 and 2008. But secular intellectuals didn’t help much either. If we can get beyond the misleading choice between secularism and religious resentment of the secular, it should be possible to get back to the hard work of building coalitions to fight domination. That work has an intellectual component, but it’s mainly a matter of patient, hopeful, wise organizing….

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Did the Pope Claim Gay Marriage as a Threat to Humanity or Didn’t He?

…lity of the Defense of Marriage Act could precipitate “a national conflict between church and state of enormous proportions.”) But today in the Guardian, Andrew Brown argues that the pope “didn’t say gay marriage threatens humanity”: The pope is a Catholic; perhaps it’s in the nature of the news business to be freshly astonished by this fact every couple of months. It’s also true that the Vatican bureaucracy is arrogant, secretive, suspicious of o…

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A Shining City: The Occupy Movement and the American Soul

…ducation, and a stable retirement. Kind of like Canada or Sweden, but with better weather. The deregulatory spiral of the Greenspan years (through the Reagan, Bush Sr., Clinton, and G. W. Bush administrations) surely dimmed the lights on that dream, prompting, these last few weeks, protestors around the country to amend the beatific vision much as the later gospel writer, Luke (6:24-26), felt called to do: But woe to you who are rich, for you have…

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It’s Time To Ordain Women—Again

…rgument must be made that these were (or were not) “real” ordinations. At least some churches in the East have decided that the ordinations of women deacons were “real.” For Roman Catholics, the jury on that question is still out. I saw recently that Paulist Press, your publisher, provided an opportunity for readers to buy copies for the US Catholic bishops. Do you expect that they’ll read the book? Phyllis Zagano (PZ): I think they will. My own b…

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Making Fun of Mormonism

…his Mormonism is not one of them. Harris-Perry wants to draw a clear line between evaluating a candidate and analyzing a candidate’s faith. In a lecture at the Danforth Center this fall, E.J. Dionne proposed a different solution: limit discussions of candidate’s faith to how this faith might influence his or her political perspective and policies. This would not include sacred underwear, seventy virgins, or transubstantiation. It does however inc…

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Dark Sisters Opera Aims to Humanize Sister Wives

…ats these women like they’re brainwashed, but we were hyperaware not to be east coast gay guys making fun of them. For me, one of our cast members is very religious—Anglican—and she’s the one in the story who is the true believer, and gets this traditionally beautiful aria, and when she sings about how her mother and grandmother will be with her in heaven, and it helps us see her as a person with her own theological path through things. That’s a r…

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The Revolujah! Will Be Performed: Reverend Billy’s Reality Joke

…od subjects from Burning Man to This American Life. There has never been a better time to explore the intersection between Reverend Billy and the kind of academic discussion Kathryn Lofton has helped to forge. This summer, Billy and Savitri published a new book, edited by Columbia University journalism professor Alisa Solomon—The Reverend Billy Project: From Rehearsal Hall to Super Mall with the Church of Life After Shopping. In it, they reflect o…

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Jesus, Carpet Bomb My Heart: An Undercover Muslim in Detroit

…, which rushes through speakers, condenses their points, and squishes them between loud music and unreflectively emotional appeals. There’s little time to ponder what it means for America if only Jesus can solve our problems. In an introduction found in the event program, Engle wrote: Revolution is in the air. But the revolution that is needed is not a revolution of snarling protesters or angry mobs; it’s a Jesus revolution, a revolution of forgiv…

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