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Is Supreme Court Jurisprudence Making State Religious Freedom Bills More Dangerous?

…University, Carlos A. Ball of Rutgers University, Sarah Barringer of the University of Pennsylvania,  Douglas NeJaime of the University of California, Irvine School of Law, Eduardo M. Peñalver of the University of Chicago Law School, Richard C. Schragger and Micah J. Schwartzman of the University of Virginia School of Law, Nelson Tebbe of Brooklyn Law School, and Laura Underkuffler of Cornell University Law School….

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Goat Head Found in Brooklyn. Who Cares?

…, but The Gothamist has done this theory one better by suggesting that the number “93”—which appears on a tag on the goat’s ear—is linked to Aleister Crowley’s philosophy of Thelema. (One wonders how much time the alleged Thelemites spent finding a goat with a numerologically significant ear tag). Growing up in Texas, I once had the misfortune of getting into a conversation with a Renaissance Faire enthusiast whose hobby was blacksmithing his own…

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Global LGBT Recap: Ugandan Law Unleashes Vigilantes, Anti-Gay Americans Want to Boost Homophobia Exports

…ing to raise funds and provide support for asylum seekers, such as the new Chicago Asylum  Support Program (CLASP), which was launched with the help of the interfaith LGBT Faith and Asylum Network which we wrote about last month. Uganda: Museveni Signs Anti-Gay Law and Anti-Gay Vigilantes Jump Into Action The biggest news this week was the signing of Uganda’s brutal anti-gay law, which calls for life imprisonment for gay people and long prison ter…

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As an MA student of religious studies at the University of Chicago I’ve often felt compelled to share many of the insights I’ve gained with friends in China. When I began to read Religion Dispatches it occurred to me that the best way to do this would be to introduce RD’s in-depth articles to Chinese readers by translating a few, with the hope that more people will be encouraged and enlightened by them. Perhaps it will spark a desire, among those…

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Predicting the Future of Religion: A Thought Experiment

…. Expect the next Pope to be from Manila or Yaoundé and not from Boston or Chicago. Whether this will herald a more progressive church or a reactionary one is a matter of debate. Right now Pope Francis is attempting to extend his influence beyond the end of his papacy as much as possible by selecting the cardinals who will elect the next pope. As it stands now there are a few things that may happen upon Pope Francis’ passing: the Church will eithe…

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New Atheism Produces Another Curiously Uncurious Science v. Religion Book

…Jerry Coyne is an evolutionary biologist, a professor at the University of Chicago, and a prominent atheist blogger, who writes mostly about why faith is stupid (and quite a bit about cats). His new book, Faith Vs. Fact, is a 250-page critique of religion couched in a more modest epistemological argument. “Science and religion,” he writes, “are competitors in the business of finding out what is true about our universe. In this goal religion has fa…

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Anti-Gay Evangelicalism is the Norm: A Less Rosy Take on the Evangelical “Tipping Point”

…and in its construction of what scholars associated with the University of Chicago’s Fundamentalism Project have called “enclave communities.” I grew up in one of these, with my social world (beyond my family) consisting almost entirely of the churches and evangelical Christian schools I attended in Indianapolis and Colorado Springs, and of people associated with them. When it comes to LGBTQ issues, instead of quoting the marginal Burton I might w…

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Ten Religion Stories That Went (Mostly) Missing in 2015

…shootings in places like the west side of Baltimore and the south side of Chicago? 6. Toilets. “You can’t go in there!” riles up the righteous in Houston. But, on the other hand, hundreds of congregations are doing small group study on what “trans” means, and many of the faithful merely shrug at the idea of queer Scoutmasters, for God’s sake. Sexual difference seems to be much less frightening to ever larger swathes of American religious. 7. Reli…

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With the Pope at Ground Zero

…ester NY, who lost his daughter Jean, a flight attendant on board American Airlines Flight 11. Mr. Roger said he hoped the pope would say prayers for the place, for the people, and for his daughter Jean. Praying at a unlighted candle next to the prie-dieu Pope Benedict XVI used on his visit, the Pope offered those prayers silently while looking at the south pool of the memorial. The 9/11 site has become not just a memorial or a museum—it is a pilg…

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Mormons Declare Same-Sex Marriage Apostasy, Deny Baptism to Children of Same-Sex Couples; Colombian Court OKs Adoption Over Church Objections; Franklin Graham Praises Putin’s Anti-Gay Policies; Global LGBT Recap

…hese communities are formed. The cofounder of Third Coast Queer Muslims of Chicago and the Upper Midwest, who writes under the pen name Zaynab Shahar, said black American Muslims are often sidelined, even in groups designed to be welcoming. “Much of the narrative on what it means to be an LGBTQ Muslim in the United States focuses on immigration and the process of identity reconciliation … Just because many of us were born in this country doesn’t m…

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