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How Mario Cuomo Made the World Safe for Pro-Choice Catholics

…ew York Archbishop John O’Connor, started to push back against attempts by Chicago Cardinal Joseph Bernardin to remove abortion as a point of leverage with Catholics for the Republican Party. Bernardin famously asserted that Catholics should consider all “life” issues—abortion, nuclear war, poverty—when considering which candidate to vote for. But at a news conference in June, O’Connor seemed to throw the momentum back to the Republicans when he a…

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Not a Review of Would You Baptise an Extraterrestrial?

…e order assigned him to study philosophy and theology at Loyola University Chicago, where he confronted theories of science for the first time. He found resonance in the historical realism school, which acknowledges the sociological factors in scientific research but still holds that science has “some validity” in describing reality. The books he’s written since do not call for a radical new synthesis between science and religion, but rather somet…

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Pope Francis vs. the Bishops: An “Overblown” Narrative?

…to hold fast to in-your-face conservatism (although other Francis favorite Chicago Bishop Blase Cupich was selected as an alternative, presumably should Chaput be unable to fulfill his duties). And at the same meeting, the bishops named Dolan the head of the Committee for Pro-Life Activities, a prominent culture-warrior post that will give Dolan a platform on an issue on which the bishops largely still have free rein because they have the support…

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US Bishops Meeting: Pope Who?

…s been highly critical of efforts to modernize the church. Newly appointed Chicago Bishop Blase J. Cupich was selected as an alternate. And Cardinal Timothy Dolan, who spent the meeting denying that there was any discord at the recent family synod and blaming any perception of such on the media, was elected to head the Committee on Pro-Life Activities, giving him an elevated platform and a good excuse to dial-up the anti-abortion rhetoric. The lea…

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Did the “Science Guy” Bill Nye Single-Handedly Revive Noah’s Ark Theme Park?

…acumen. This isn’t just hindsight. A month before the debate University of Chicago professor of Evolutionary Science Jerry A. Coyne warned that Nye was making a very serious mistake and predicted it would resurrect the Ark Encounter project. If only Nye had listened to Coyne we wouldn’t be in our current predicament in Kentucky. Before the debate Ham’s project was on the verge of collapsing. The necessary bond sales weren’t materializing and the s…

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Why Christian Fundamentalism Is Still a Big Deal in U.S. Politics, And How It Got That Way

…1990s and early 2000s. Megachurches like Willow Creek Community Church in Chicago are designed to attract young people, and they’ve worked hard to present themselves as anti-fundamentalist in a number of ways. They appeal to individual experiences of spirituality over rigid doctrinal statements. They use words like “seekers” rather than talking about lost or damned souls. They also tend to avoid rigid political platforms. If you walk through the…

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We All Speak of “Conscience”—But Are We Talking About the Same Thing?

…y Liz Deligio and Mary Ellen Madden and sponsored by the 8th Day Center in Chicago offers some counterexamples to the prevailing view. In the style of Eve Ensler’s The Vagina Monologues, these vignettes reflect some of the conundrums of contemporary Catholic life. For instance, they include struggles with sexuality and abortion that pit women against structures and teachings that they’ve had no input into creating. The composite stories that make…

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Conservative Christianity’s “Come to Jesus” Moment in Wake of Elliot Rodger Shootings

…World for Jesus: Media and Conservative Evangelical Culture. University of Chicago Press, 2004, for an excellent analysis of the ways in which evangelical materials directed at encouraging teenage girls and boys to remain chaste put much more emphasis on the role girls and young women need to play in preventing boys’ and mens’ nearly unstoppable sexual urges 2See, for example, Amy DeRogatis. “What Would Jesus Do? Sexuality and Salvation in Protest…

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Bobby Jindal Hypes His Christian Cred at Liberty U.

…itself in cities such as New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Houston and Chicago, the reality for many Hindu immigrants—and their children—was that they were alone in a new country without much of a support network. My story is somewhat similar to Jindal’s. I grew up in small towns in New Jersey, New York, and Ohio before my family settled in the Philadelphia suburbs in the 1980s, and I was subjected to the worst types of bullying and racism dur…

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Why Christians Should Not Host Their Own Passover Seders

…ses here. – eds. I recently moved back to my hometown: a western suburb of Chicago that borders a town that is home to one of the largest and most influential evangelical Christian colleges in the country. As with most college towns, graduates often settle nearby. This makes my neighborhood a hub for evangelicalism and means that my neighbors tend to have followed the injunctions of their pastors to “keep themselves pure” from culture that is not…

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