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2023 CPAC Lived Down to Expectations, But Don’t Buy the Narrative: The GOP is Not as Divided as You Might Think

…, an influential player in Republican politics, claims of a “split” on the Right neglects the lesson we should have learned by now regarding the Right: while parts of the establishment would rather not see Trump as the next candidate, they’re largely united when it comes to their vision. Their aim is to turn the U.S. into a White, conservative Christian, authoritarian nation with little to no corporate regulation; and they aim to eradicate trans p…

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Right-Wing Religion, Anti-Globalism, Authoritarian Rule: America Catches Up With the Rest of the World

…ight mean. “You’re one of those liberals,” she muttered. She may have been right. Not only one of those liberals, but someone in touch with a world that she had not seen. She could see the fast-talking city people on television and in the movies, but it was not her world. She was, as the Berkeley sociologist Arlie Hochschild has described her in a striking book based on interviews in America’s right-wing heartland, a stranger in her own land. It i…

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The Christian Reconstructionism Dodge

…nist thinking on the godly, rather than human, roots of our constitutional rights. Star Parker, a religious right celebrity touted by the John Birch Society, the Republican candidate for the congressional seat in California’s 37th district, and an exemplar of the religious right’s efforts to reach African-American voters, is an expressed admirer of Rushdoony. When she approvingly cited his theology to the crowd assembled at the Values Voters Summi…

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Catholic Cardinal Slams Jesuit’s Bridge-Building Book; and More in Global LGBT Recap

…on case saying it was in conflict with the LGBT community’s claim based on right to privacy, entrenched in right to life guaranteed under Article 21 of the Constitution. This will go a long way in protecting sexual minorities from the impositions of popular or legislative majorities. The court said the rights of LGBT persons were not a charity. “Their rights are not ‘so called’ but are real rights founded on sound constitutional doctrine. They inh…

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Why I’m Grateful for 2012, The Rapture, and other Millennial Delusions

…lumental called it, that cannot appeal to both swing voters and its insane rightist base. In other words, unless millennialists are right that a massive change is coming, they tend to subvert the realization of their dreams. December 21, 2012, the absurdly popular Left Behind series, Christian Zionism, and the view (held by at least 30% of Americans, according to a Pew poll) that Christ will come again in the next fifty years, are all expressions…

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‘Joel’s Army’ Is Already Here: The Obscure 20th Century Religious Movement That Profoundly Influences The Right’s Cosmic Battle

…ch once led by Jackson’s late father, prominent African American Christian Right figure, Apostle and Bishop Harry Jackson. An influential opponent of marriage equality, Jackson was a frequent speaker at Christian Right political conferences who campaigned for the reelection of Donald Trump in 2020. Hamon maintains that, since his early days with Latter Rain, the world has entered into what he calls the Third Reformation (the Birth of the Church an…

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Trump’s Fear and Loathing Won’t Silence The Nation’s Sole LGBT Muslim Organization

…e rise of “homonationalism” and “gendered Islamophobia” perpetrated by the right-wing populist movement intent [on demonizing] Muslims by pitting LGBT rights against Islam for much longer. And now we are seeing this fringe rhetoric become part of the mainstream here in the U.S. as well. We will continue to build alliances with the mainstream Muslim and the mainstream LGBT organizations to make sure that they are centering the needs of LGBT Muslims…

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Buffalo and Uvalde Both Appear to Have Involved the AR-15, the Rifle Revered by the Christian Right

…ovide a template for restorations predicated on violence. As the Christian Right developed a military mindset, “America’s Rifle” emerged as their preferred firearm, making the AR-15 a common fixture on the Christian Right. Rev. Sean Moon instructed his congregants to bring the AR-15 to a blessing ceremony at his church; preachers and pastors extol the virtues of the AR-15; Retired Lieutenant General Jerry Boykin told a room of evangelical activist…

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What the Latest ‘God’s Not Dead’ Gets Egregiously Wrong — and Right — About Homeschooling

…ecular and other non-Christian homeschoolers have bought into the parental rights absolutism promoted by HSLDA and other evangelical homeschoolers. As education professor Robert Kunzman writes in Write These Laws on Your Children, “The right of parents to raise and educate their children—and the complete lack of government authority in that regard—is perhaps the foundational conviction in homeschooling.” God’s Not Dead: We The People may be persec…

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Open Carry Racism: The Right Wing Fever Dream that Predates Trump

…with a paranoia that long predates Trump. At the center of this venerable right-wing fantasy (and it does provide the right with subversive pleasure) is the idea that without a “straight talker” to cut through the BS, the state will come for our guns and our freedom of religion. It’s a capacity for offense, outrage, and embattlement which provides most Americans with their surest sense of authenticity these days. The feeling that we’re part of an…

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