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An Obituary for Right-Wing Evangelicalism?

…mass murder to the “homosexual” lifestyle, along with other key religious right talking points—abortion, lack of prayer in schools, and feminists. In a mid-month op-ed in the NY Times, pastor John S. Dickerson raised up his voice in lamentation, crying out that evangelical America’s decline could be halted if only pastors and pundits would put on their man pants. And he boldly offered a vision of Americana that only exists in TV-Land reruns.   Ma…

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‘Pregnant Women’ or ‘People Who Can Get Pregnant’: How Do We Balance Recognition of Anti-Abortion Misogyny with the Erasure of Transmasculine People?

…d” to be men). Right-wing authoritarianism always stresses hypermasculine ideals, and right-wing authoritarians also tend to focus on having babies, often fearmongering about declining birth rates and a supposed “replacement” of “us” by racially coded “others” that will destroy (white) “Western civilization.” From this twisted perspective, a “feminized man,” one who has “gone soft”—or, in the context of colonialism, “gone native”—is a threat to em…

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India’s Elections and the “Doniger Affair”

…arrative currently dominating the country. It would be easy to compare the right-wing Hindu movement to the Christian Right in the United States or Islamist movements in Muslim-majority countries, but such a comparison is ill-fitting since the Hindu right in India isn’t as well-organized, unified, competent, or as influential as the aforementioned counterparts (nor does it actually seek to impose a Hindu theocratic state). Moreover, it obscures th…

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Presbyterians Make Right Choice on Israel Divestment

…call Israel an apartheid state.  This week, all three of these parties—the Right, the Left, and the confused Center-Left—danced for awhile at the 220th General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (USA). At the urging of the denomination’s Israel/Palestine Mission Network (IPMN), a committee of the GA voted 36 to 11 to divest from three companies—Caterpillar, Motorola, and Hewlett-Packard—because, as the IPMN puts it, they “profit from non-peaceful…

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Coups of a Feather: The Striking Similarities Between Brazil’s Insurrection and Jan 6 May Be Due to ‘Authoritarian Learning’

…mmunist dictators.” And he wasn’t the only prominent voice on the American Right who cheered on the attackers. Ali Alexander, former member of the right-wing umbrella organization Council for National Policy and “Stop the Steal” organizer, wrote: “I do NOT denounce unannounced impromptu Capitol tours by the people,” telling the attackers “do whatever is necessary!” His calls for a military coup in Brazil began on the day of Bolsonaro’s defeat. Ban…

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Ringing in a Christian Nationalist 2019 With an Even Larger Legislative Playbook

…at’s too often mirrored back by supporters of reproductive and LGBTQ civil rights, and advocates of separation of church and state. “Civil rights laws are what allow religious minorities to participate in the public economy without having to hide their faith. So carving holes in civil rights law really harms the cause of religious liberty.” “They’ve managed to conflate that term with particular, narrow protections for conservative religious belief…

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Anti-Gay Campaign In Indonesia Leads to Arrests; Mexico’s Religious Right Wars Against Secular State & LGBT Equality; Muslim Preacher Sparks Controversy in UK Re Death Penalty For Gays; Global LGBT Recap

…by the government of an Islamic country. He went on: In the 1960s the gay rights movement began and they made it sound like they were an organic movement akin to the black rights movement or the women’s movement, but it’s not like that. Homosexuality is something that is unnatural, and this corruption is being forced upon us. There is a war on religion, whether it be on Christianity, Judaism (real Judaism, not Zionism) and Islam. People of these…

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The Return of Christian Terrorism

…nt in US history. When Chip Berlet, one of this country’s best monitors of right-wing extremism, warned in a perceptive essay last week on RD that the hostile right-wing political climate in this country has created the groundwork for a demonic new form of violence and terrorism, I fear that he is correct. Christian Warrior, Sacred Battle Though these new forms of violence are undoubtedly political and probably racist, they also have a religious d…

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Religious Right Split on Arizona Immigration Law

…aqi government against insurgents, then that would not give that state the right to declare war against Al Qaeda. If a state concluded that the U.S. trade laws are bad, that does not give the state a right to develop its own trade policy with foreign countries. Neither may a state develop its own immigration law as Arizona sought to do. The remedy when the federal government fails in its duty to stop illegal immigration is to either change the Con…

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Religious Right Elites Still Looking for a Candidate

…sement of either man arrived, that would mark the first time the religious right establishment coalesced around a Catholic. Gingrich enjoys their admiration for his longstanding opposition to church-state separation and affection for the Christian nation mythology, laid out in his Rediscovering God in America tour. Just a few weeks ago, it looked like some religious conservatives might overlook his checkered marital history, but coming out of Iowa…

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