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4 Life Lessons from Episode Two of Preachers’ Daughters

…ple watching you want. But I digress.)  Here are four life lessons I took away from Episode Two, which you can watch here. 1. Responding to an intrusive question with another question can be a great way to deflect the intrusive questioner. One of the droller parts of last night’s episode is hearing the Koloff family talk about “boundaries.” By “boundaries,” they mean “things you won’t do sexually.”  Do you detect the potential for humor here? Beca…

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More Bleak Times For Indonesian LGBTs; South Africa Bans Extremist Anti-Gay US Pastor; Mexican Marriage Struggle Heats Up; Global LGBT Recap

…Catholics have rallied around him. More from The Times: “The church was always involved in politics. Lay people were always called to political action. If the bishops of Ireland are too timid to do that, then the lay people must come together to stand with Christ,” he said. Right-wing Catholic groups around the world have been posting updates on Mr Murphy’s campaign on social media and congratulating him on his stance against the couple who were…

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Make Way for Liberal Pro-Lifers

…the church’s social justice concerns. Bernardin’s “seamless garment” held sway for a time and provided cover to pro-choice Democrats like Mario Cuomo, but faded as he and other progressive bishops retired and were replaced with conservatives elevated by Pope John Paul II. By the time George W. Bush was elected, many influential members of the U.S. hierarchy, from Cardinal Bernard Law to Archbishops Edward Egan, were openly aligned with the Republi…

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The Scandal of the Cross

…Serrano and those of like mind, Piss Christ is not in any straightforward way sacrilege (a violation of holy things) nor is it simply blasphemy (ridiculing or transgressing that which has been consecrated, set apart for holy purposes). Rather, in his juxtapositions of the abject and the holy, Serrano offers a theological vision that at once recuperates the corporeality of Jesus and in the same gesture corrects the erring ways of the Church. Piss…

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You Asked For It

…uble Duty” brought comments on my Facebook page, which got lost due to the way the thread works. That was the one entry when I got the most responses, mostly in the form of thanks and agreement. Sara Farooqi’s comments lead to other comments; and that’s always good. As a post menopausal woman who was invited to lead the prayer in a public congregational worship, I can tell you that it is not the actual period that people fear (such that diva cups…

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Power in a Union: How the Working Class Shaped Religion in America

…Piss them off? I am most invigorated by books that challenge or change the way I think by giving me a new “lens” through which to view the world. I hope readers will have that experience with my book, especially regarding the way they think about what religion is and how it actually operates in people’s lives. What alternative title would you give the book? Originally, I was very attached to Power in the Blood. I liked this title because it evoked…

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What Does the Catholic Church’s Patriarchal Structure Have to Do with the Failure of the Amazon Synod?

…pieces, carried them brazenly to the Tiber River, and tossed them in as a way of expressing their contempt for what they consider the pagan ways of the Amazonian people, symbolized of course by a woman. The whole despicable incident was caught on video and shown on social media to the delight and applause of some ultra-conservative Catholics. They were edified by the nerve and alleged fidelity of the two men from Vienna, Austria who saw it as the…

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To Be Christian, Intellectual and Black: A Response to Vincent Lloyd

…f the way he occupies the public square. He does so in a large and visible way—a way that is accessible by many public entry points. Lloyd offers a fair premise about the need for a public black theology in the 21st century. Based on the landscape as I see it, there are numerous persons who did so in the 20th century and there is no shortage of those who are doing it in the 21st century. The seat of critique as I see it rests with the larger metho…

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Eddie Izzard on Atheism, Transgender, and “The Invisible Bloke Upstairs”

…He said, “I’m looking at it as a gift.” So I thought of this as a positive way of looking at it. It is actually a gift because women talk to me in a different way. If I had more makeup on and was more girly, I think I’d be more sensitive to it, but I’m able to walk around in heels and nails and not give a monkey’s blok about it. If you are an alternative sexuality, you have to look at it as a gift or otherwise it’s going to grind you down. In the…

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Do Dogs Have a Soul?: Taking “Creaturely” Life Seriously

…edge. And it is to render our spiritual lives open to the inhuman in a new way—not focused merely on that which is super- or extra-human, but that which is nonhuman in a much more intimate and terrestrial way. Dayan realizes that letting our “bond with dogs count for something monumentous”—taking the bonds and ties of creaturely life with the utmost seriousness—is a matter for more than just the animal rights activists, the humane societies, or th…

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