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The Broken Promise of Gwyneth Paltrow’s ‘The Goop Lab’

…essentially takes that obsession as a given and encourages a “more natural way” of giving in to them. In the last two episodes, “The Energy Experience” and “Are You Intuit?” we learn both that “our consciousness actually shifts or alters in some way shape or form physical reality,” and that “we’re all born hardwired to each other and the other side.” Psychic energy, we learn, from medium Laura Lynn Jackson, is “a gift that belongs to all of us, bu…

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#Churchtoo: Apology of Evangelical Pastor Accused of Sexual Assault Shows Why Sorry Isn’t Enough

…raying, in agreement, in unison, would you touch Miss Woodson’s heart in a way that only you can, and heal her of the pain that was caused from this sin twenty years ago. God, would you also heal Andy, Amanda [his wife], and their family, from the lingering effects of this sin twenty years ago. And God, would you give every single one of us the ability to be more committed to what it means to love you, and to love other people and to live in such…

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Knighting Viktor Orbán for ‘Defending Christianity,’ Serbian Orthodox Patriarch Demonstrates That ‘Culture War’ is the Only Theology That Matters to the Global Right

…world, to come and impose their values, their view of the world, or their way of life on us. Brothers and sisters, I repeat: we will not [accept this]. Since we do not impose our way of life on anyone, we will not allow anyone to impose on us, his rules, his view of the world and his way of life on us, even if he thinks he is better than us.” If the Patriarch Porfiry’s words seem to echo the sentiments of Patriarch Kirill, that’s because the two…

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Jewish Studies Is a Free-Speech Zone, and It Needs to Stay That Way

I had never really thought too much about Hillel, the ninety-year old organization devoted to supporting Jewish life on college campuses. While I was aware of their efforts to promote certain discourses and to curtail others, I largely left them alone. This was perhaps made easier on my campus because Hillel does not really bring in speakers—on top of the fact that I have the privilege to teach some of the brightest students I have ever encounter…

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“Flipping the Script” to Win Gays Back to the Evangelical Church

…in the anti-gay Evangelical Christian church now must come up with another way to remain true to the church and what it teaches. Let me be clear: I am, in no way, questioning Roen’s beliefs. If he truly feels that God calls him into a life of chastity in singleness, that is his decision to make. I know plenty of people, gay and straight, who are perfectly happy being single and wouldn’t trade it for the world. Singleness is a choice they have made…

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Corporation as ‘Citizen’ is the Next Anti-Black, Anti-Democratic Model that Needs to be Torn Down

…eness in C-suites as I am, please stick around. It doesn’t have to be this way, and anyone with the vaguest religious sensibility knows how nuts it is to accord corporations the rights, privileges, and immunities of human beings. Because we now all inhabit a world in which regular persons have become mere spectators in the Theater of Corporate Virtue—and because the stakes have never been higher—I say it’s time to burn this theater down. Most prog…

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How “Gratitude” Underwrites Inequality, Power, and Exclusion

…rce and starts to insulate the status quo. Gratitude operates in a similar way, with similar potentials. When we find ourselves in a position of owing—and people in a democratic society always owe something to other people—we may become vulnerable to control. Certain Roman figures, like Cicero and Seneca, recognized the power of gratitude to maintain social stability. Cicero argued that, when we accept a gift from someone else, we enter into a con…

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Free Will, Fate and FiveThirtyEight: The Theology of Election Polls

…r. To see the future is hubris, the realm of prophets and prophecy. It’s always been dangerous, it’s always come at a cost. And now it’s a spectator sport! MHS: It is fun to watch. Nate Silver versus the New York Times versus Las Vegas. Who will do better?! AL: At one point, back before the reality of what it would mean had set in, I actually found myself rooting for Trump a little, just because it would melt the wings of these prophet-Icaruses. L…

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How Ben Carson Uses “Secular Progressives” as a Shield

…voice that’s out there, you can get a lot of people to start thinking the way that you do. Along comes Fox News and presents an alternative, a different way of thinking. Not only do “secular progressives” try to discredit Dr. Ben Carson; he maintains they are trying to silence him and maybe even harm him. Last month, Carson claimed he needs Secret Service protection because “I’m in great danger because I challenge the secular progressive movement…

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From Bad to Worstest: How Liberals Should (And Should Not) Talk About Values

…al lives—whether liberal or conservative—tend to rub other folks the wrong way, as though they were holding them in constant judgment. It turns out to be super easy to turn people off by talking about ethics and morals. It’s not wrong to talk about your values. I do it all the time! But you have to approach it sideways, with a sense of humor and surprise. Giving someone an unexpected reason to buy into a value works much better than a blunt, confr…

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