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Nobel Laureates Tell Gov. Jindal to Repeal Anti-Evolution Law

…untry’s economic future is dependent upon the United States’ retaining its competitiveness in science, it is vital that students have a sound education about major scientific concepts and their applications. We strongly urge that the Louisiana Legislature repeal this misguided law. Louisiana students deserve an education that will allow them to compete with their peers across the country and the globe. The law is based on intelligent design-promot…

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Republicans Tell Iowa Homeschoolers Education Not Government’s Role

…formal exploratory committee) took a similar stand, as quoted on Get government out of the way of our education so we can educate ourselves and our children. There are some people in our government who aren’t interested in the same things that you and I are interested in. They are trying to create some kind of world order. Bachmann touted her background as an Iowan and a homeschool mom. She told the crowd: “The family has a level of…

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Atheist Rock Fest, Buddhist Geeks, Megachurch For Sale, Church Bans Fried Chicken

…omehow brings Dolly Parton into it. From the file of new studies: people become more religious during hard times and are happier during periods of difficulty, restrictions on religious belief and practice are on the rise globally, and the more educated may become more religious. “Hello, Buddhist geeks!” In the Phillipines, officials at a state-run cultural center decided that Christian symbols and phallic objects don’t mix and shut down a controve…

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Why the Hell Does Hell Still Matter?

…ght and continue to think of themselves, each other, and their nation. The common claim that hell has been on the outs in America since at least 1800 is simply untrue. If anything, 1800 represented a turning point in the other direction. The idea of universal salvation had appealed to both elites like Chauncy and common folk in the late-1700s. The promise that all humans would eventually be saved represented an extreme backlash against the dominan…

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Graham’s Muslim Brotherhood Conspiracy Theory Not New

…al of Muslims and Muslim-Americans getting involved in public policy. They compile that into a guilt-by-association Powerpoint and then shop it to reporters.” These individuals include, said Khan, Frank Gaffney, who issues baseless warnings to members of Congress about “creeping shari’ah;” Paul Sperry, co-author of the book Muslim Mafia, which claimed that the Council on American Islamic Relations had infiltrated Capitol Hill by placing interns as…

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Tokyo Governor Says Tsunami is Divine Punishment—Religious Groups Ignore Him

…that exemplifies the Japanese character. It’s difficult to view Ishihara’s comments as anything other than an ideological rant, and one that may come back to haunt him in the next election. And while it appears as if Japan, like America, has its share of vocal public figures eager to equate disaster with apocalypse and to use mass human suffering as an excuse to propagandize, Japanese religious groups have joined together—largely under the media r…

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Judgment Day is Coming; Wear Clean Underwear

…of Christ, an event Camping had promised for two years. But the world did not end. Camping allowed that he may have made a mathematical error. I’m going to be in the company of a bunch of scientists on May 21, talking about communicating human evolution. (I’m so doomed.)…

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Coming Out on a Christian Campus, Then and Now

…ing stories on The Huffington Post and on the New Yorker blog. A couple of comments kept coming up. Repeatedly, people kept asking, “Why would you go to Harding if you’re gay?” Even alumni, though, would ask why these GLBT students chose to attend there, or why they couldn’t or wouldn’t leave? The question is unfair. So many factors—funding, family, a deep connection to the religious culture—could place a student at Harding. While more and more st…

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High School Senior Leads Effort to Repeal Louisiana Anti-Evolution Law

…ther supporters of the Constitution in Louisiana have an uphill battle. Only three members of the House voted against the original law. State Senator Karen Carter Peterson, D-New Orleans, has announced that she will sponsor the repeal legislation. Kopplin’s web site provides more information about the campaign. So far, Louisiana is the only state to take the bait, but similar anti-evolution bills have been submitted in Tennes…

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The Way of the Brother: How Critics Missed the Boat on Tree of Life

…d a promotional website for the film carries the title: Comments on the film (by critics and in the comment sections of major media outlets) typically ape this dualistic proclamation.   But as I watch my daughters play, in amiability and animosity alike, I realize The Tree of Life is not merely about parental spouses acting out nature and grace in divergence from their childrens’ lives. The film, and the reality of growing…

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