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The Other, Forgotten Apocalypse of 2011

…silent on the incident, despite the fact that it involved violence from a communist government directed at a large group of Christians (a common theme of many of their stories). And then there was the conclusion of the Vietnamese government itself. Sounding a similar note to the American media response to Camping, the Vietnamese government stated that the uprising was the result of a group of people who were “duped by ‘bad elements’” into thinkin…

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War on Christmas, War on Schmistmas, Happy Holiday

…he year and from the sensual aspects of the holiday (the food, the smells, the sounds) that pull us each back to our warmest memories of home—all of which help us to think about how to make life more meaningful in the year to come. And then, Jon Stewart has a point: The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c The Gretch Who Saved the War on Christmas Daily Show Full Episodes Political Humor The Daily Show on Facebook…

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On MSNBC RD Editor Discusses Trayvon Martin

…RD contributing editor Anthea Butler, who wrote about Trayvon Martin and American Exceptionalism this week, appeared on Melissa Harris Perry’s MSNBC program this morning to talk more about the tragic shooting and its aftermath.  Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy…

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Drop that Candy Bar, Pagan!

…against wimpy Christians who are more concerned about pastoral care than becoming an army of “warriors” dedicated to bringing about “kingdom rule” on the earth. Don’t despair if you can’t make it to Dallas, you can watch online starting at 7 p.m. Central. But if your kids really like candy, you can comfort yourself with the approach to Halloween taken by Mars Hill church, the authoritarian megachurch phenomenon associated with hipster homophobe Ma…

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Neither The Joker Nor Godlessness Drove Batman Shooting

…the University of Colorado. Or he must have had a rough upbringing. Or the common refrain: he’s simply psychotic, and no verifiable reason for the shooting will ever be discovered. The responses from religious commentators, scholars, and pastors have a similar range. Shootings like this will continue because of our increasing desensitization to violent images, one Patheos blogger argued, while another evangelical commentator believes that this act…

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The Internets Own Your Religion

…onolith, and there is no universally recognized religious leadership, it becomes hard for someone to come forward to act as a gatekeeper. Even if there were Catholic-style hierarchy, you can imagine the type of games that could be played with granting access to use of the domain. For example, would nuns invested in social justice be allowed to register under “.catholic”?  In the case of Muslims, we don’t know who is registering these gTLD and to w…

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Ugandan Bishops Push Notorious Anti-Gay Bill

…d that the death penalty would be removed in committee. “However,” notes a commentary on, “readers familiar with the legislation’s history will know that such assurances have been made before only for the bill to go to the voting stage intact and without the death sentence deleted.” Also still in the bill: A 7-year jail sentence for consenting adults who have gay sex; A life sentence for people in same-sex marriages; Extradition and pros…

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Today We Pray for Women for Whom Pregnancy is Not Good News …

…eir spirituality, Kromenaker said, this message speaks directly to them. A common response is “Thank you, that’s what I needed to hear.”      There are a number of religious groups working within the pro-choice movement. The DC-based Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice focuses on policy, with a youth wing that trains 16- to 30-year-olds to do advocacy and education work in their communities. Catholics for Choice focuses on changing the Chu…

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Jews and Christians for Santorum?

…tle Girls.” “Islam’s Secret Strategy to Destroy America Exposed.” “What Do Communists, Secularists, and Muslims Have in Common?” Christian publisher Stephen Strang, who has endorsed Santorum, who is also a regional director for Christians United for Israel, promotes this Jews and Christians Together effort on his blog. “This race is so close that Bible-believing Christians CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE and help Santorum get the momentum to win the nominat…

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