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Traditional Marriage: One Man, Many Women, Some Girls, Some Slaves

Well, it’s been quite a whirlwind week for same-sex marriage, from North Carolina to Obama to Colorado—and, of course, to the many outraged conservatives concerned with preserving traditional marriage, i.e., the time-honored sacred bond between one man and one woman. Why, just last week, Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council said that marriage has meant just that for over five thousand years. Huh? Time to break out your Bible, Mr. Perkins!…

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The Obama Same-Sex Marriage Statement:
A Religious Analysis

…ter one of the nastiest, meanest anti-gay votes in recent memory—the North Carolina “no families but mine” Amendment 1—it offers moderates a stark contrast between humanity and dogmatism, inclusion and nastiness.  But it is also a principled stand for a different variety of religious values. Rick Santorum believes that you have to choose between God and gay, between sexuality and religion. And although I’ve gotten in some trouble for saying so, I’…

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7 Religion Stories to Watch in the 2012 Battleground States

…holics in the primaries, and better among evangelicals here than he did in South Carolina or Iowa. Why Florida evangelicals feel better about Romney is a story that remains to be researched and told, and one that could potentially play a role in this big prize of the battleground states. Nevada: Will Mormons drive the ground game? Obama leads by 7 points in Nevada, which has one of the most transient and least religious populations in the country….

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Why Obama’s Not “Evolved” Yet on Marriage Equality

…same voters respect the human dignity of homosexuals, he knows substantial numbers of these voters will leave the ranks of Obama supporters, if he trashes traditional marriage. This would assure his defeat in Ohio, North Carolina, Virginia, and Florida. He will not show the courage of his convictions! President Obama would prefer to bring about this change through activist courts. Of course Blackwell and his allies on the religious right wish this…

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Gay, Black, and Quaker: History Catches Up with Bayard Rustin

…nd served 22 days of hard labor on a chain gang. He helped to organize the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, and events like the 1957 Prayer Pilgrimage for Freedom and National Youth Marches for Integrated Schools. He advocated a feminism inclusive of women of different races and social classes. He opposed the wartime internment of Japanese Americans. He maintained a vital lifelong interest in the independence of African nations, visiting…

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Komen, Planned Parenthood, and Conspiracy Theories

…tivists, conspiracy theories about this supposed link abound. At the South Carolina Citizens for Life rally in Columbia last month, there was a large display featuring publications from the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, as well as a news article highlighting a local diocese’s refusal to support the Race for the Cure because of Komen’s support for Planned Parenthood. The display featured an anti-contraception pamphlet penned by the USCCB’s A…

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Harry Jackson Shakes Religious Right Money Tree for “Below the Radar” Anti-Obama Campaign

…sing $1.5 million to fund Jackson’s campaign in Florida, New Mexico, North Carolina, Ohio, Nevada, Colorado, Maryland, and Virginia, saying he was seeking 100 people to commit to giving or raising $1,500 each. Jackson said he had just gotten a contribution from Pat Robertson, and that James Robison had also kicked in. Also on the call, at least at the beginning, was dominionist Lou Engle, who Jackson called a long time friend and hero. Engle said…

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Is Romney Gaining Ground among White Evangelical Voters?

…In Iowa, evangelical voters favored Santorum; in New Hampshire, Romney; in South Carolina, Gingrich—even after a convention of evangelical social conservatives endorsed Rick Santorum in Dallas on January 17. And the strength of the anti-Mormonism narrative is likely to fade as the race heads out west into regions where more voters are able to moderate their judgments of Mormonism with actual contact with LDS people. In Nevada, it is estimated that…

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Florida Primary Winner: ‘War on Religion’ Talking Point

…y’s 36%. That’s a tiny margin for Gingrich, and smaller than his margin in South Carolina, where he won 44% of evangelicals, who made up 65% of the electorate there.  How far Romney will go in adopting the Gingrich religion message remains to be seen. Most voters I’ve talked to here in Florida said they’d vote for Romney in the general election, even if they believed him to be insufficiently conservative. Their antipathy toward Obama—an antagonism…

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Romney’s Religion of Happiness vs. Gingrich’s Religion of Grievance

…of the Republican electorate (38%) in Florida is virtually the reverse of South Carolina, where they comprised 65% of voters, and which is why, in part, Romney is headed toward victory here tomorrow. At the Romney rally, the verdict on Gingrich was mixed. Liz Reiman, a Romney voter from Jacksonville, said she had been “intrigued” with Gingrich, whom she called “stunning and sometimes disturbing.” But, she concluded, he was “too volatile.” Catheri…

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