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Gingrich, Israel, and the Assassinate Obama Comments

…for the Las Vegas Sun, reporting that the Gingrich campaign, fresh from a South Carolina victory aided by a $5 million contribution from Sheldon Adelson—billionaire supporter of the Israeli Right and publisher of the hawkish Israeli tabloid Yisrael Shelanu (Our Israel)—was just given another $5 million by Dr. Miriam Adelson, Sheldon Adelson’s wife.   As the Times noted “Dr. Adelson’s check will bring the couple’s total contributions to Winning Ou…

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Newt Gingrich’s Hero, a Religion-Crushing Dictator

Newt Gingrich has won South Carolina. In his victory speech, he lambasted the “anti-religious bigotry” consuming America from those elite cesspools, New York and Washington. I assume he means by this the rising tide of Islamophobia, and I’m so happy he’s taken such a courageous stand against all anti-religious bigotry, especially considering some of his unfortunate and no doubt now regretted remarks on Americans of the Muslim persuasion. (Note to…

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GOP, Gingrich, Perry Team Up to put Satirists Out of Work

…r tonight.) Moments later, Rick Perry stood in front of the press corps in South Carolina, announced he was dropping out, and endorsed Gingrich. In its story on the Gingrich marriage, the Washington Post adds the delicious tidbit that the day after asking Marianne for a divorce, Newt gave a speech to Republican activists on “The Demise of American Culture.” Shortly after Perry’s announcement Gingrich asked Perry to head up a “10th Amendment Enforc…

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Republican Candidates Face Mythical Gays

…s Michele Bachmann’s turn. After being confronted by an 8-year-old boy (in South Carolina, no less) who told her his lesbian mommy didn’t need changing, she and her husband met up with a “gay-friendly Iowan” who confronted them on the percentage of gay people in the population. After quoting from the famed “Kinsey Report” that 10% of the population is gay, Bachmann and her husband Marcus informed her that “Your facts are wrong,” and that the Kinse…

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A Bill Passes, Westboro Baptists Shrug

…heir families who were harmed by contaminated water at Camp Lejeune, North Carolina, from 1957 to 1987 and addressing veterans’ health, housing, education, benefits, and burial needs). The bill passed overwhelmingly in both houses of Congress, with the president calling attention to the section of the act that restricts picketing military funerals. Similar restrictions are already in place at federal cemeteries such as Arlington National Cemetery,…

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An Immoderate Proposal: Sam Rodriguez, “Centrist” Evangelical, to Give Benediction at RNC

…er on the co-sponsored “prayercast” with Republican Senators Jim DeMint of South Carolina and Sam Brownback of Kansas, Reps. Todd Akin (R-MO), Michele Bachmann (R-MN), Trent Franks (R-AZ), Randy Forbes (R-VA), and Mike McIntyre (D-NC), on which he claimed that “the same spirit of Herod who 2000 years ago attempted to exterminate the life of the Messiah today lives even America” because the health care bill “incorporates death and infanticide all u…

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Pastor Now Sees Anti-Gay Movement as “Mean-Spirited”

…rray Richmond was the pastor of a small Presbyterian congregation in North Carolina. At the time, he writes in an essay on, the issue of gays and lesbians in the church was “invisible”—but his views were clear, homosexuality was a sin, end of argument. Gay rights were barely on the radar of mainstream churches. The idea of an openly gay pastor was beyond the pale. I knew there were “gay churches,” of course, but I did not believe one cou…

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Marianne Williamson and Me

…strators receive widespread coverage while 80,000 protesters against North Carolina’s tax hikes for its poorest citizens amidst cuts to its education and healthcare budgets barely register in the nation’s news outlets. Simply put: religion news is dominated by the shudder-worthy antics of the extreme right while successful organizing by religious moderates, and political campaigns by spiritual activists, are mocked or ignored. Williamson is well a…

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Islam is as American as…

…sor Mohammad, and Razan Mohammad Abu-Salha, three Muslim students in North Carolina, I offered a few thoughts on Twitter about just how American Islam is. Islam is as American as basketball. — peter manseau (@petermanseau) February 11, 2015 Islam is as American as dancing with dad at your wedding. — peter manseau (@petermanseau) February 11, 2015 Islam is as American as pride and ambition. pic….

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Republicans Face Showdown With Religious Right Over Dropped Abortion Bill

…dly were responsible for stymying the bill, notably Renee Ellmers of North Carolina, Jackie Walorski of Indiana, and Charlie Dent of Pennsylvania. This afternoon, there is a protest planned outside Ellmer’s House office. In a press release, Patrick Mahoney of the Christian Defense Coalition, which helped organize the protest, said, “Congresswoman Ellmers and the republican party betray innocent children and their mothers by pulling ban on abortion…

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