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Meeting on the Bridge: Fr. James Martin’s Ministry to LGBT Catholics Becomes a Book

…rough social media might be LGBT. It’s grown since I started to write more online and in America magazine and be quoted about these issues. People may feel more comfortable knowing I’ll be more welcoming. In the process, I’ve gotten to know a lot more about that kind of ministry, even though it’s not a formal ministry. For example, I’ve never worked in an LGBT outreach program in a parish, or done seminars, or anything like that. But I feel like I…

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Catholic Nuns Back Obamacare Contraception Access

…er of a business.” The nuns are seeking support for their stand through an online petition. The Rev. Debra Haffner of the Religious Institute is helping NCAN coordinate the effort. “When I saw the brave stand these nuns were taking on the mandate, I started to think about what we could do to amplify their voices. So we launched a social media campaign asking people to ‘Stand with the Nuns’,” she said. “We really need to counter the idea that faith…

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How Julian Assange Is Like A Televangelist

…o massive invasion of privacy, you can find their names and home addresses online, and that might get them hurt or even, like, raped, . . . .  And threatening to hack my PayPal, and threatening to hack Tiger Beatdown. . . . Every time I look away there are twenty new comments and most of them are calling me a cunt or telling me to make them a sandwich or calling me a whore or naming the accusers or calling all of us whores for protesting. Assange’…

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Global Anti-Gay Forces Plot Against ‘Satanic’ Equality Movement

…of persecution if he returned to the Maldives”. Naim also told the news website that he has been prey to numerous online threats and hate mail. “My entire existence is controversial,” he said. Asked to comment on the matter today, Mushrif Musaid (Supervisor) at Ministry of Islamic Affairs Jannath Saeed stated that acts of homosexuality are clearly anti-Islamic and against the country’s laws, and thereby subject to legal action. “Such acts of homos…

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You Are Not Your Star Sign

…mulated result of long, slow gravitational pull. These comments went viral online at something close to the speed of light, leading to reevaluation of the Zodiac, panic among horoscope followers, assorted tweets defending or regretting tattoo selections, and some attempts at explanation from astrologists as to their systems of making sense of human existence through claims about the pull of the stars.  Rating by Astrology Not Actuarially Sound As…

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“The Gift of Gay”: Father Matthew Kelty, Confessor to Thomas Merton, Dies at 96

…ng the way, had multiple audiences with His Holiness the Dalai Lama, and visited the monumental Buddhist statues on Sri Lanka—they were to be the inspiration for what was to be his final artistic and mystic vision. Then, almost as mysteriously as that Buddha’s smile, Merton was gone. Clearly exhausted, he gave a rather poor performance in Bangkok and then, before retiring to his room for a nap, he uttered what were to be his final public words: “N…

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God-Haters Can Be Great Company

…portant point—that very point has not gotten across. Jake Meador’s review, online at Christianity Today, is a case in point. I truly appreciate the favorable things he has to say like “Schweizer has written an engrossing history.” At the same time, I feel that I need to set the record straight regarding the main quibble that he has with my book. In Hating God I go to some lengths to explain why atheists are not, and in fact cannot be, haters of Go…

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Egyptians Queue Up to Say: On February 4, 2011, I was in Tahrir Square

…ng the national anthem of Egypt, and people watching were posting messages online indicating they were crying when they heard that chant. A number of famous personalities joined the protests after Friday prayers—including, significantly, Amr Moussa (the former foreign minister of Egypt, and Secretary General of the Arab League). The Mufti of Egypt declared he would resign if a single protestor were harmed; but there was no sign today at Tahrir Squ…

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Wolves Repelled by Christian Rock, Bibles for Porn, Fox Rejects Super Bowl Ad

…public prayer law that has many religious minorities worried. Soon to retire Senator Joe Lieberman is working on a book about his Jewish faith and his dedication to setting aside the Sabbath. The Archdiocese of New Orleans released a new online database of baptismal, marriage, and funeral records from colonial New Orleans. If you’d like an outdoor funeral pyre, they are available in a small town in Colorado. Finally, in Ohio, there are reports of…

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The Uneasy Coexistence of the Cairo Rumor Mill with Muslim Principle of Isnad

…anti-Mubarak activists inside and outside Egypt – I’ve been looking at the online debates quite intently, and see that those in Egypt are beginning to argue with those outside of Egypt. A feeling is beginning to spread that there are some inside of Egypt who feel that ideology is driving those outside of Egypt, and that those outside of Egypt are asking people in Egypt to do things they themselves wouldn’t do – like risk their lives by going to Ta…

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