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Time for Mormons to Come to Terms with Church History

…conducted by the Open Stories Foundation, thorny historical issues top the list of reasons why Mormons leave. These issues include the disputed origins of The Pearl of Great Price, a book of Mormon scripture, the historic practice of polygamy by Joseph Smith and other early Mormon leaders, and the Church’s 130-year ban on full participation by people of African descent. Controversial issues like these are not addressed in official church materials…

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Romney Prepping for Evangelical Dance

…t to get out the vote for them,” Marjorie Dannenfelser of Susan B. Anthony List, which endorsed Rick Santorum, told Gibson. He has an “intensity” problem, according to the Family Research Council’s Ken Blackwell (who was once deemed out of the mainstream by Republicans in his home state of Ohio). A move to the center would “kill him,” said Deal Hudson of Catholic Advocate, who thinks that the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops is too liberal. All…

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An End to the “Gentleman’s Agreement” on Israel?

…usalem is still disputed territory, and so the State Department refuses to list Israel as the child’s country of birth. In 2002, Congress passed a law requiring the State Department to end this charade. But, in accordance with the terms of the gentleman’s agreement, the State Department simply refused to enforce the law. Now in reality, this is absurd. I lived in (West) Jerusalem for three years, and it’s as Israeli as the cellphone. Moreover, whi…

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It’s Barack v. the Bible, Says Barton

…se we always need a “Party of Fear,” whether it comes in the form of Federalists dubious of democracy in the New Republic, or nativists fearing the influence of “new immigrants” in the 1850s (or the 2000s), or contemporary commentators suspicious of Obama’s foreign, Islamic, or radical roots. Even from his grave, hack journalist Andrew Breitbart continues to taste that fear, and spread the hate. And a “religion of fear” serves a multitude of purpo…

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Jews and Christians for Santorum?

…uslim high school students, secularists, and yes, Mormons, are also on his list. Perusing my inbox, a sampling: “Obama’s Fraudulent Faith Just Unmasked.” “Obama’s Economic Policy Directly Opposes the Bible.” “Rick Santorum is Right: Satan Has Targeted America.” “Stand Strong: Stop the Intimidation Today.” “Twisted Scripture: Overcoming the Lies of Homosexuality.” “URGENT: Stop Sharia Law in Florida.” “Obama Withholds Important Opt-Out for Christia…

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All Your Dead Mormons Are Belong To Us

…y offensive it is to a Jewish person to see Anne Frank’s name on a similar list—only, this time, one meant to be taken seriously?  Finally, though, there’s the weird fact that we Jews are offended by Baptism of the Dead even though we don’t believe in it. I assume none of my fellow Israelites really believe that because someone puts a dead person’s name in a jar, that person is really converted to another religion. In other words, we’re offended b…

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All Americans are Fat!

…ing, baby-aborting, and, now, an elderly-killing people, and he used it to promote his own agenda. A false, but oft-heard stereotype of US citizens is that they are all fat. I, willfully, used this stereotype to further my own agenda. Again, I apologize, because I think it is wrong to do so. Someone who is aiming for the highest office in the United States, as Santorum is, should be held to a high moral standard, as the strong historical and curre…

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Aspirin as Birth Control, Shazam! and the GOP’s Crusade Against Contraception

…President of The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod, revealed how the witness list reflected only one religious view of the matter when he said the contraception coverage requirement is “very dangerous to religious people with our kind of convictions.” Virginia Democrat Gerald Connolly, a Catholic who last year said a related Issa hearing reminded him of a “latter-day Torquemada” conducting “an inquisition against the secular state,” called today’s h…

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Wiesel to Romney: Stop LDS Baptisms of Holocaust Victims

…ses the LDS “Family Search” genealogy database today must scroll through a list of policies including the proviso that names of “Jewish Holocaust victims” should not be submitted by non-family members, and then must indicate that they are in keeping with policy when they submit names for proxy rites. But violations continue, and they are a source of great shame and embarrassment. Perhaps more can be done. Listening in on conversations among Mormon…

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Democratic Women Walk Out of “Freedom of Religion” Hearing

…ah Cummings (D-MD), the son of two Pentecostal ministers, accused Issa of “promoting a conspiracy theory that the federal government is conducting a ‘war’ on religion.” Cummings added that “The pill has had a profound impact on their well being, far more than any man in this room could know.” Maloney, before she left the hearing, took on Issa in her statement: “What I want to know is, where are the women? I look at this panel, and I don’t see one…

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