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Dilemmas of American Empire: Can Obama Pull Off a Game-Changer in Iraq, Iran, and Afghanistan?

…as, in effect, created a Sunni Army. The fate of this entity trumps a long list of daunting variables in Iraq. Sunni leaders protest constantly that the nation’s interests against Iran are not being defended. If the Sunnis and Kurds can be integrated into the Iraqi Shiite Army, which is euphemistically called the Iraq Army, Iraq has a chance of holding together as a semi-federalized state. There is no other option that averts another upsurge of de…

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Christianity v. Christ: An Excerpt From A People’s History of Christianity

…mphal tale of Protestant superiority and Christian manifest destiny. Journalist Jeff Sharlet refers to this story as “providential history.” As far as I can discover, Cotton Mather composed the first version of it in 1702 as the Magnalia Christi Americana, or “The Great Deeds of Christ in America.” From then until now some form of this church history has informed American culture. Atheist Sam Harris and evangelical activist James Dobson both belie…

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Ten Commandments of the Antichrist: The Georgia Guidestones

…iracy theorists regard the Guidestones as vital evidence of a demonic globalist agenda. Another interesting parallel can be drawn between the Guidestones and the Book of Revelation. Both are texts of little-known origin warning of future peril. These conditions allow for historical-critical as well as dispensationalist readings of both messages. Scholars believe the Book of Revelation was written sometime in the first century and is a warning to e…

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Imagine No Religion: Sustaining Morality Without God

…e all the tragedies that occurred in the Soviet Union, it was a deeply moralistic society where each individual was expected to contribute to the common good and endure sacrifices for the benefit of future generations. The arts, the media, the education system, and the youth leagues all served to communicate a clear moral message that promoted altruism, social responsibility, and a strong work ethic. When the Soviet Union disintegrated, religion t…

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Rarefied Islamophobia: When Americans Duplicate the European Cultural Talk

…ions within the primitive trappings of “The Green Peril.” Following a long list of European intellectuals such as Oriana Fallaci, Michel Houellebecq, and Caroline Forest, he argues that Europe is succumbing to an “Islamic culture” incompatible with its “core” political and cultural values. The intriguing question is: Why is Caldwell’s book receiving more attention in the American media (such as the front page of the New York Times Book Review sect…

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Religion and Science: Toward a Postmodern Truce

…re reform. She should have added the topics of science and religion to her list. Why do attempts at reasonable discussion between science and religion in our society today range from disastrous to nonexistent? We need to step back and understand the broader context. Why do these discussions fail? How did the contemporary impasse arise? How might we as a society move beyond it? A little background: A Bloody Family Feud Think of it as a family feud…

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Liberal or Literal? James Wood, Terry Eagleton, and the New Atheism

…s own cards on the table: What is needed is neither the overweening rationalist atheism of a Dawkins nor the rarefied religious belief of an Eagleton but a theologically engaged atheism that resembles disappointed belief. Such atheism, only a semitone from faith, would be, like musical dissonance, the more acute for its proximity. It could give a brother’s account of belief, rather than treat it as some unwanted impoverished relative. It would be…

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Closing with Gospel in Morocco

…hake. These devotional songs are also popular songs, as people continue to listen and chant them everywhere. Conclusion I think that the Fes Festival brings together an amazing group of musicians, and the space to demonstrate experimental pieces is fantastic. I would have loved to see them extend this concept and create a space for various artists to jam together. I think having the Baghdad-Jerusalem Ensemble in conversation with Dhafer Youssef, f…

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Baldwin Brother’s Apocalyptic Comic

…! Studios has announced a new comic series conceived by actor-turned-evangelist Stephen Baldwin, Comic List reports. BOOM!’s press release describes The Remnant as “A supernatural thriller in the vein of 24,” but the title suggests it’ll be more of a Left Behind knock-off—indeed, it shares its Revelation-inspired title with the tenth book in the Left Behind series. Baldwin states of the series: “I wanted to do a comic that asked the big questions…

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What is a “Religious Progressive” Anyway?

…panding personal liberties, and it looks pretty recognizable. In fact, the list is more remarkable for what it does not mention: any kind of social or cultural issue. It’s more than that “God, guns, and gays” weren’t on the ballot back then. It’s that the original progressive movement took place before conservatives knew how to use cultural resentments to beat liberals over the head. (Racial resentments are another story: the progressive movement…

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