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Tax Cuts for the Super Rich Aren’t Biblical

…ses the payment of taxes as the price of participation in the economy. You use Caesar’s money, you pay Caesar’s taxes. You use US government-issued greenbacks, you pay the US taxes. Were Sekulow to open the Bible, he would also note Romans 13:1-7, that passage so beloved of conservative authoritarians: Let every person be subject to the governing authorities; for there is no authority except from God, and those authorities that exist have been ins…

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Conservatives Stand Together for Anti-Gay Bigotry

…e speech, and most of all, raises a pile of money, very little of which is used on behalf of poor people. On the other hand, Warren Throckmorton, the evangelical psychologist who has played such a significant role in raising awareness of the evangelical world’s use of myth and falsehood to spread homophobia, had last month taken the religious right groups to task for their “mostly unfortunate and unhelpful” responses to the the SPLC. He called Kam…

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How Julian Assange Is Like A Televangelist

…he feed is unsafe for women or rape victims to look at. And posting the accusers’ names, over and over, because one of the things we’re objecting to is that posting the accusers’ names is subjecting them to massive invasion of privacy, you can find their names and home addresses online, and that might get them hurt or even, like, raped, . . . .  And threatening to hack my PayPal, and threatening to hack Tiger Beatdown. . . . Every time I look away…

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Back to School at The First Public School In the Country To Require a World Religions Course

…and stand up for those rights if another person is being harassed––not because they agree with the person being harassed (I tell them they can absolutely disagree) but because the rights belong to all of us. If we allow anyone to chip away at those rights we will see the foundation of our nation weaken (back to my foundation analogy!) Can parents opt out if they don’t want their children to learn about other religions? And how many parents did thi…

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Elaine Howard Ecklund Wants to Dispel Myths Surrounding Religious Resistance to Science

…e you okay with your child marrying a scientist”—social scientists love to use that, because it’s a good measure of social distance—heck yeah, everyone would love their child to marry a scientist! These are highly educated people, who we hold in esteem. And “would you like your child to have more science education”—of course! But especially the more conservative faith traditions do sometimes feel like scientists overstep their bounds, and that the…

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Archbishop Boots LGBT Catholics from Philly Church

…From Catholic Perspectives” scheduled for September 25 which reportedly caused Chaput to cancel the group’s permission to use the space. “Unfortunately, this is yet another instance of the kind of exclusion LGBT Catholics and supporters have endured for decades. Bishops have refused to allow us to meet in our own Churches, retreat centers and colleges,” Equally Blessed said in a statement. “There is a lack of information in the Catholic Church ab…

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NC’s “Bathroom Bill” Shows Problem With “Religious Freedom” Label

…ven the very real campaign by some conservative Christian organizations to use “religious freedom” laws to uphold anti-LGBT and anti-abortion measures. Because of that campaign, the definition of “religious freedom” has been stretched to become nearly synonymous with discrimination, and the fact that major news outlets like MTV and The Atlantic are covering this shift is huge. But when we use the term “religious freedom” to reflexively describe an…

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Group Behind King James Bible Congressional Resolution Thinks Obama Might Be Antichrist

…arbera of Americans For Truth About Homosexuality, urged Christians not to use the KJV because, Bauer said, “it was commissioned by a homosexual.” (Note that the anti-KJV campaign never really took off; it remains the most popular translation for evangelicals, according to a recent survey by the Southern Baptist Convention-affiliated LifeWay.) Perhaps, though, the Democratic Party would have some issues with one of its House members taking up the…

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Porn-Again Christians: What Happens When a Biblical Literalist Launches a Sex Site?

…e only sexual practices specifically condemned in the Bible are those that use or abuse another person—relations governed by a spirit of possession, objectification, and control—and this would be a sin for both straight and LGBT people. However, here our agreement frays. As someone who says he believes that “the Bible is the inerrant Word of God,” Mr. X is quick to point out that his site is godly precisely because it does not include “wicked” thi…

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Death With Dignity: Combatting Religious Opposition to Physician-Assisted Suicide

…octrine may likely reconsider those beliefs as technology advances and its use becomes accepted in everyday life, Campbell said. Even if official church policies don’t change, churchgoers often do. The Catholic Church’s opposition to contraception hasn’t changed, but Catholics in the United States use birth control and have abortions at about the same rate as non-religious people, Campbell said. And he explained that in the dozen years physician-a…

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