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Global Islam, the Year in Headlines

…i and Libya reflects the growing network of radical extremism operating in Africa. 7. The US Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, is Attacked—US Ambassador Stevens and three Foreign Service workers are killed. 8. Civil War in Syria Creates Over 300,000 Refugees; the frustration of rebels waiting for Western military support brings them closer to al-Qaeda extremists. 9. Malala Yousufzai, Pakistani Teenage Education Activist Escapes an Assassination Attemp…

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Harold Camping, Prophet of Apocalypse, Dies at 92

…t airs in several major metropolitan areas, on the Internet and in Europe, Africa and Asia. It reaches mainland China from a station in Taiwan and is building a station to reach much of Southeast Asia. It also has expanded into television. Its signature show — ‘Open Forum’ — features Camping answering called-in questions, often rambling about obscure Biblical and religious references in his slow, deep voice. He repeatedly refers to Matthew 24, the…

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Arab Spring: Countering the Naysayers

…the multi-faceted nature of events unfolding in the Middle East and North Africa. Did you have a specific audience in mind when writing? I wrote this book hoping that anyone interested in the region, from the hobbyist to the expert, would find value in it. I worked hard to keep my writing clear and easy to follow, while presenting arguments I hope are still nuanced and insightful. Are you hoping to inform readers? Entertain them? Piss them off? I…

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Fear of a New Jewishness

…ubsequently the great majority of Jewish immigration to the United States, South Africa, and elsewhere, was by no means the only or the normative condition that Jews have known in the course of history. In fact, the models of Judaism and Jewishness developed relatively recently in Eastern Europe—the object of much shtetl nostalgia among American Jews—may have shaped Ashkenazi Jewishness to be far more insular, and far more pale, than was the histo…

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“Ex-Gay” Gospel Star Donnie McClurkin and the Decline of Public Theology

…to what Donnie McClurkin said in his video response to the actions of the promoters disinviting him to sing? McClurkin said in a Socialcam video that “It is unfortunate that in today that a black man, a black artist is uninvited to a civil rights movement, depicting the love, the unity, the peace, the tolerance….” He goes on to say that: “…Discrimination, bullying is still a part of this…its bullying, it’s discrimination, it’s intolerance and it…

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Syria Receives Sudanese Weapons on Ukrainian Aircraft via Qatar and Turkey

…s long-term life plans. This means that the Sunni Islamist regime in North Africa, closely allied to China and Iran, is shipping locally- and Chinese-made weapons to Syrian rebels who are fighting against a regime whose survival is critical to Iran’s regional interests, as well as Hezbollah’s continued power in Lebanon. Yeah. The Assad regime’s brutal suppression of initially peaceful demonstrations have led to a stunningly bloody civil war, in wh…

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Is New Pope’s Take on the Poor All That New?

…remains heavily European) contains cardinals from the Americas, Asia, and Africa, including Sean Patrick O’Malley, a Franciscan who has been credited with cleaning up the Archdiocese of Boston, which witnessed some of the most egregious cases of sexual abuse and cover up under Cardinal Bernard Law. Oscar Rodríguez Maradiaga, the Archbishop of Tegucigalpa, Honduras and head of Caritas International, will serve as the panel’s coordinator. Among the…

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Renovating Marriage, One Gay Couple at a Time

…y as Biblical and part of the God-given ordering of creation. Similarly in South Africa the Dutch Reformed Church supported apartheid because it was Biblical and part of the God-given order of creation. No one now supports either slavery or apartheid. The Biblical texts have not changed; our interpretation has. Certainly, those who oppose same-sex marriage on religious grounds would hesitate to compare themselves to those who supported slavery and…

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VA Supreme Court Gives Episcopal Church Victory Over Breakaways

The Virginia Supreme Court today upheld a lower court ruling saying that conservatives at a congregation that voted to leave the Episcopal Church could not take with them the historic Falls Church, where George Washington was once vestryman. The Washington Post’s Michelle Boorstein has the details about this ruling and its larger context: Similar disputes have roiled Episcopal churches around the country and other parts of mainline Christianity,…

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As Irish Flee the Church, a Push For Reform

…n of women, and reject the use of condoms to prevent the spread of AIDS in Africa seemed to signal an unwillingness to confront contemporary issues with a Christ-like openness to the present moment. Neither the Association of Irish Priests (ACP) nor We Are Church, local organizations that, respectively, represent the Irish clergy and laity, are willing to accept the status quo. The abuse crisis provided an opening for their critiques of Church str…

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