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Pentecostal With History of Hate Speech Selected as President of Brazil’s Human Rights Body

…ter that “Noah’s damnation over Canaan touches all its direct descendants, African people,” and that “the rot of homosexual feelings lead to hatred, crime and rejection.” In his two years in office, he has already proposed bills to repeal same-sex civil unions and to criminalize abortion even in cases of extreme fetal abnormality—two issues that the Supreme Court has already weighed in on. As a Pentecostal pastor, Feliciano has appeared at recent…

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American Buddhism: Beyond the Search for Inner Peace

…ks that Occupy Faith has set itself are: to ally with unions and others to promote fair wages for all, especially low-wage workers  to work for fair tax policy  to join coalitions supporting constitutional change to get money out of politics and limit the power of corporations  to participate in events and initiatives organized to promote justice and fairness  to take nonviolent, direct action to the streets and halls of corporate and government p…

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A Queer New Year

…le, American religious right groups will continue to back anti-gay laws in Africa and around the world. False Witness It is an entirely safe bet that anti-gay religious leaders will continue to misrepresent the much-maligned Regnerus study, as the National Organization for Marriage did in one of its year-end fundraisers. It’s likely we’ll be hearing NOM and its allies continue to claim that the Regnerus study supports their anti-marriage equality…

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Religion, Marriage, and Maine’s Tortured Soul

…dug in their heels—from Protestants in Northern Ireland, to Afrikaners in South Africa, to right-wing Israelis opposed to giving up their land. Says Fox, “They, too, feel disenfranchised and marginalized, that society is being turned upside down and their place in the world is being eroded. That interested me.” He says that when you try to tell a story, you search for a human connection, and that as a gay person, as someone who was adopted, as so…

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Everything You Think You Know About the Dark Ages is Wrong

…d with rhetorical flourishes. To further his education, his abbot sent him south to Christian Barcelona, which then had diplomatic ties with the Islamic caliphate of al-Andalus. In the caliph’s library in Cordoba were at least 40,000 books (some said as many 400,000); Gerbert’s French monastery owned less than 400. Many of the caliph’s books came from Baghdad, known for its House of Wisdom, where for 200 years works of mathematics, astronomy, phys…

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Blood and Politics — Christian White Nationalism in the Age of Obama

…and they helped create a realignment of forces that continues to plague us today. How does that show itself today? Primarily in the anti-immigrant movement—the lobbyists, Minuteman vigilantes, and racist think tanks that support them. It is here that the idea that the United States is or should be a “White” country takes on the form of a policy issue. If you follow the discussion among anti-immigrant groups, the dominant discourse is about how the…

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Apoplectic about Abortion: One Woman’s Emotional Roller Coaster

…o even bring up the possibility (just raised, and thankfully dismissed, in South Dakota) of encouraging people to murder doctors who do abortions is to move beyond apoplectic, where even rage doesn’t protect our souls.   I am now praying for my mental health as a mature woman. I am praying to learn what Jesus could do, which is to love my enemy and be good to those who hurt me. As an adult, and a woman, I know my rage is hurting me as much as it i…

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Judge Rules Law Prohibiting Picketing Outside Military Funerals Unconstitutional

…f families of the deceased to mourn in private against what is clearly political speech—although legal efforts to stop the church’s protests were not raised when the target was gays but only now the target is the families of soldiers. Of course, if you watch South Park (or if you are twenty-five or younger) you know that the meaning of the term “gay” has changed such that it is Phelps himself who is gay. Stay tuned for more developments as this qu…

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International Protest of Anti-Gay Persecution in Chechnya Grows; more in Global LGBT Recap

…nt and sad passions.” Candidate pledges and victimhood appeals are tactics promoted by the U.S.-based anti-LGBT, Catholic-minded National Organization for Marriage, which wants to play its hand in the French elections, too. Socialist President Francois Hollande signed marriage legislation on May 18, 2013 amid violent clashes and thousands of protesters decrying the scuttling of traditional family values as the fall of Western civilization. In the…

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Latest “Religious Freedom” Bills Reveal a New Strategy

…or agencies, effectively gutting existing LGBT protections in those areas. South Dakota led the way, followed by Alabama, and Texas’ SB 156. The avalanche of anti-LGBT legislation already passing necessitates a sobering reminder: It’s only March. “Several state legislatures have filed religious refusal laws this year, claiming that their goal is to curb ‘government discrimination’ against religious people or organizations,” said Ashe McGovern, the…

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