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Margaret Cho: God Bless You, F***ing F***ers 

…berries. (And maybe drinking beer out of a brown bag.) Over at the knives are coming out, and, like I said, some bags of poo for throwing. Someone over there just invited Cho to “move to the Middle East.” Or, more precisely, “f**ing move to the Middle East.” Because she loves the desert? I don’t really get this. No, I do. It’s just that it’s really such a leap, from pro-choice feminist to Lady Bin Laden. Right now, after covering t…

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RD News Round-Up—September 22, 2008

…on of jumper cables to start a necessary conversation.” In a recent “Guest Commentary” titled “Becoming a Christian Citizen: Electoral Lessons from the Religious Right for the Religious Left,” published in the Fall, 2008 edition of The Public Eye, a publication of Political Research Associates, Clarkson wrote: The main reason why the Religious Right became powerful is not what most people may think. Some would undoubtedly point to the powerful com

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Gandhi, his Grandson, Israel, and the Jews

…writings, and called to mind, with all the attention and imagination at my command, every complaint you made therein; and I did likewise with the accounts of your friends and pupils at that time. But all this did not help me to understand what you say about us. In the first of your speeches with which I am acquainted, that of 1896, you quoted two particular incidents to the accompaniment of hisses from your audience: first, that a band of European…

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‘Culting’: From Waco to Fundamentalist Mormons

…n of their children. The children of the YFZ community are alive and one day they will tell us about their experiences, unlike the children who died at Mount Carmel. Comments? We enthusiastically welcome any response to this story, or to any of our features. Write to us!…

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The Religious Origins of Fake News and ‘Alternative Facts’

…and editors of scripture, scholars began to demonstrate, sometimes with incompatible stories and contradictory theologies. The New Testament’s gospels, this scholarship showed, were not composed shortly after Jesus’ death by his eyewitness disciples like Matthew and John. Rather, they were written accounts based on oral traditions and other now-lost writings, composed decades after Jesus’s death—with all the attendant problems of memory and recor…

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This Just In: College Will Make You an Atheist

…e students who major in the social sciences and humanities are likely to become less religious, while those majoring in education are likely to become more religious. But students majoring in biology and physical sciences remain just about as religious as they were when they started college. Of course, the article itself is not really about a causal link between either religiosity and choice of major or the impact of college major on religiosity….

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Sarah Palin: Bus Tour of Destruction

…al about what he knows can only make Palin nervous. The tit-for-tat snarky comments between Palin and Johnston are both funny and sad, and the tantalizing “there are some things that I know (about Sarah) that are HUGE” is a scimitar hanging over Palin’s carefully coiffed hair. His recent comment that Palin called her down syndrome baby “retarded” is either a big FAIL on his part, or an indictment of her mothering skills. No matter what he says for…

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Better Dead Than ‘Fed’: Behind Palin’s Dig at ‘Unbiblical’ Fed

…coalition with populist ‘paleoconservatives.’” While each of these figures comes to the table from different places, they come together in agreement on Rothbard’s anti-statism, which dovetails with North’s views. For North, the Bible limits the legitimate functions of civil government to punishing “evildoers” and providing for defense. Reconstructionist theocracy, based on the Reconstructionists’ reading of the Bible, gives coercive authority to f…

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Will God-Gaming Alter the Bible?

…ure based on both strategy and luck. However, the promise of an online RPG complicates this comparison, as Civilization allows players to stay at something of a remove from the action, controlling resources and making decisions but not necessarily being directly drawn into the game as a character. The same is true of The Sims. The Bible Online, by contrast, presumably would allow you to play both with a god-like perspective and as biblical patriar…

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Rand Paul’s Buddhist Roots Uncovered

…Aqua-Buddha college pranks notwithstanding, Rand Paul embraces Buddhist notions of the interconnectedness of everything and the illusion of difference; “nothingness” is The Word. Thanks to my colleague Jon for sharing. The Colbert Report Mon – Thurs 11:30pm / 10:30c The Word – Nothingness Colbert Report Full Episodes 2010 Election March to Keep Fear Alive…

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