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Muslims Need Not Apply—To the White House or Congress

…guns, paid for by “a millionaire” who wants you “protected against what’s coming.”) The video in the email is by evangelist Jack van Impe, known for his premillennial rapture theology and his disconnected rambling in Bible verses. It is entitled “President Obama’s Religion in Question” and argues that he is really a Muslim. Joan, who claims in an email to be “well-educated,” is one of those tea partiers who thinks she’s calling for a return to “o…

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Gays to Ex-Gay Movement: “Lift My Luggage”

…ersecution, bullying, and violence occur.” The announcement of the protest comes on the heels of an announcement by another “ex-gay” group, Exodus, that they would no longer sponsor the annual “Day of Truth” that encourages students to “counter the promotion of homosexual behavior” with a Christian message of intolerance. “All the recent attention to bullying helped us realize that we need to equip kids to live out biblical tolerance and grace whi…

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How Should Mormons Respond to Leader’s Anti-Gay Comments?

…from which God will free you if you work hard enough. While that may be a comforting message to people who don’t like their orientation, and while it may give strength to the few who’ve “recovered” (whatever that means) from being gay, I personally have seen and known too many young people who kill themselves trying to get rid of the “addiction” or overcome the “temptation” to make the message palatable to me. And I’ve see too many families upset…

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LDS Apostle Says Same-Sex Attraction Can be Overcome

…ies responded almost immediately to the Sunday morning message. Said Laura Compton of, “So many Mormons have worked hard to increase understanding of what homosexuality is and what it means to be faithful. Now we have this message coming from the pulpit in General Conference by the president of the Quorum of the Twelve. It seems like hitting a brick wall. Hopefully, this won’t make people stop and say, ‘It wasn’t worth it.’”…

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Dying in Dirty Places: How to Honor the Dead in the Era of Ecocide

…of a “homeless ghost” is so disturbing). An ancient, unambiguous morality compels us to lay our loved ones to rest in proper, dignified fashion. Even the most pagan-phobic, sky-god-reviling atheist out there would think it unnatural to toss his or her dead mother’s cadaver into a dumpster. The fact is, curious as it may seem, human beings have always treated the dead with a greater degree of respect than the living. And so, again, I wonder, and I…

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Eat, Pray, Trash: What the Critics Don’t See

…t’s at this point that the concept of authenticity turns back on itself, becoming increasingly problematic. In part because the industrializing West has become increasingly “inauthentic,” Latin America, Africa, and (especially) Asia have been deemed “authentic.” Dean MacCannell noticed just this projected sort of authenticity in his 1976 The Tourist: A New Theory of the Leisure Class. But even before the Beatles went to India, elite Westerners had…

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No Garden to Get Back to: Understanding Post-Avatar Ecological Depressive Disorder

…environment, you simply don’t know where to plug this port in. You long to commune with a holy, green, transpersonal home, but you realize that you are destroying the closest thing you’ve got to that. It’s time to get back to the garden, your spirit whispers to you, but there is no garden, it appears, to get back to, and, what’s worse, it’s all your fault. As symptoms of PAEDD intensify, what was once considered merely unsustainable becomes unendu…

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Rapture Coming, Mark Your Calendars

…ay 21 is not the actual end of the world, according to Camping’s Rather, that’s merely the day of the Tribulation and Christ’s return. The big day is Oct. 21, 2011. That’s the day “when He will destroy the world and all that is therein.” This is not the first time Camping has predicted Judgment Day: On Sept. 6, 1994, dozens of Camping’s believers gathered inside Alameda’s Veterans Memorial Building to await the return of Christ, an…

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Updated: Gay Activist Beheaded in Uganda…
Is it a Hoax?

…ttitude change and care through drama and sports activities. The discovery comes after a torso of a man was discovered earlier in the week—missing its genitals. Pasikali went missing after Uganda’s Martyrs Day early last month. According to, the day is celebrated “annually on June 3 in memory of 30 martyrs who died for their faith on the orders of Ssekabaka Mwanga 11 after they refused to denounce the Christian faith.” At a gathering…

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Ten-Year-Old Hero Confronts Anti-Gay Bigotry

…ley on the show to vow that if anyone harasses young Mr. Phillips, he will come to the school and bring with him “a world of pain.” Foley also said that he would rip out the harasser’s small intestine and use the person as a human tether ball. See? Adorable. (Actually, can you imagine Will’s day at school the next day? That must have been priceless.) The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Mon – Thurs 11p / 10c Gaywatch – Peter Vadala & William Phillips<a…

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