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Modern Vampires: Your Neighbors and Spouses

…but also in academic journals. Often these papers are researched entirely online. My hope is that this book will provide a valuable resource so that continuing research on this community may be done in a more thoughtful way. Accordingly, any theory used in the book has been broken down into clear terms that will be useful to undergraduates. I believe that as public intellectuals, academics should not hide their ideas behind specialized vocabulary…

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Capricology: Big Ideas, Lack of Humanity

…him down. The reasons are obvious: Joseph is weak but decent. Daniel is a bastard. He has alienated Zoe and marginalized Amanda. He is physically and emotionally absent as she descends into madness, and his attempt to reach out to her (by not lying about his crimes against Vergis) is too little, too late. Amanda is another story; her annoying quotient is off the charts. Still, I can’t believe we’ve seen the last of her or those sexy pumps. Claric…

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Jesus Loses His Freak: How I Lost One Leper Messiah, and Gained Another, Part 4

…ming, “I, the LORD your God”—always with the screaming CapsLock, like some online whack job—“am a jealous God, punishing the children for the sin of the fathers to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me…” (Exodus 20:5). Happily, Yaweh was safely chained in the basement of the pop-Christian unconscious, the Old Testament, which most Jesus kids I knew seemed to view as a dusty scroll of Sunday-school fables about ancient Israelites, pe…

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Angry Voters, Right-Wing Populism, & Racial Violence: People of Faith Can Help Break the Linkages

…overnment and arrogant liberal elites. It is the “producers versus the parasites.” Historically, the scapegoated groups have included Freemasons, native peoples, immigrants, Catholics, Jews, anarchists, communists, civil rights organizers, the Rockefellers, the Council on Foreign Relations, feminists, the Trilateral Commission, the Bohemian Grove society, gay people, the Skull and Bones club at Yale, and the Bilderberger banking conference. And th…

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God Grows Up: Robert Wright’s Evolution of God

…ll the divine. I get into this in the book’s afterword, which is available online. In any event, I do hope the historical narrative will be fun and informative even for readers who don’t accept the arguments. And, by the way, most of the book is historical narrative, not arguments. What alternative title would you give the book? This is the first book I’ve ever written where the title on the original book proposal remained the title of the actual…

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Does War Make Sense? Science and Religion on the Battlefield

…h informal theology, preached from Jakarta to London in audio lectures and online forums. The traditional concept of the ummah, or community of believers, has become, in Roy’s words, a “virtual community,” linking alienated elements of the Muslim diaspora through cheap communications technology and easy air travel. Islamist military tactics (Web sites as command centers, commercial airplanes as weapons) developed not simply from Hollywood movies,…

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Sex Work: In Bed with the Religious Right

…tner come, or the recommendations for spanking and light bondage, etc., in online Christian advice sites like The Marriage Bed. Another big misconception is that the best way to resist conservatism is to expose conservative hypocrisy. One of the most important things I learned in researching evangelical sex advice and therapy culture (which is a multibillion dollar industry) is how crucial exhibitionist, preemptive confessionalism has become. Evan…

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RDBook: There is Nothing New About the New Atheism

…Blackwell, 2009) When you proclaim something holy (or accuse it of the opposite) some mental heavy lifting is often required—an endeavor that almost always involves the private act of reading. For skeptics and atheists, mainstream publishers have obliged with the over-hyped surge of books intended to nourish the concept of “no God” or, slightly less loudly, “no religion.” While the authors of these books are not celebrities per se, and may view th…

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RD10Q: Spiritual Survival for LGBT Christians

…I was inspired to write Bulletproof Faith by the readers of Whosoever, the online magazine for gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender Christians that I founded in 1996. As soon as I put Whosoever on the Web, the hate mail began to pour in. People were offended that there was a magazine out there telling LGBT people not just that God loved them, but that God loved them just as they are—as gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgender people because God h…

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