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Church Attendance is (Once Again) Correlated with Authoritarianism — So Why Do We Refuse to Acknowledge It?

…quite bring themselves to do that, they should, at the very least, embrace American nones, atheists, and agnostics—nonreligious Americans—as a valid constituency that deserves a seat at the table in the public sphere. Unfortunately, hegemonic Christianity and the legacy media’s efforts to protect Christian privilege make it more likely that we will instead continue to be treated like second-class citizens—at least where politics and the press are…

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Sarah Vowell’s The Wordy Shipmates: The Problem with Popularization

…exclusively on her exploratory admiration for and curiosity on symbols of American ambition. For this, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution has proclaimed Vowell an “American original” who is “somehow simultaneously patriot and rebel, cynic and dreamer, and an aching secularist in search of a higher ground.” The aching secularist has found storied higher ground in The Wordy Shipmates, where she applies her anti-cool cool to the tale of seventeenth-ce…

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Caught in a Fever Dream of Originalism, Can SCOTUS Majority Learn the Lessons of Early America Before it’s Too Late?

…also to the political and social instability within and between Britain’s American settlements. These tensions between American religious groups were temporarily cast aside as political tension between Britain and her American colonies erupted into civil war with the American Revolution. In fact, a major unifying theme between Revolutionaries was their combined opposition and hostility to British attempts to reassert Anglicanism’s privileges in A…

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Occupy Judaism: A “Turning Point” in American Judaism

An editorial in the Forward calls it a “turning point” in American Judaism. The Kol Nidre service at Occupy Wall Street has blossomed into something bigger: Occupy Judaism. Jane Eisner, the Forward editor, writes that what is “novel” about Occupy Judaism “is that it challenges the establishment on several fronts,” not just a “direct affront” to party politics, but an “audacious display of empowered Judaism, conducted without the authorization of…

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The Most Ridiculous Responses to the Vatican’s Call-out of the Catho–Christian Right

…ve come to characterize the U.S. church: Over the last decade, however, as American Christianity has weakened and American politics become ever-more-polarized, the Catholic position in the United States has become more difficult and perplexing. The Democratic Party, whose long-ago New Deal was built in part on Catholic social thought, has become increasingly secular and ever-more-doctrinaire in its social liberalism. The Republican Party, which un…

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BYU Honor Code Used to Harass Black Atheletes

…ere white athletes enjoy more protection than their Polynesian and African-American peers. Yes, it is a story that calls up Mormonism’s troubled history on African-American issues. (And Smith, surprisingly, gets some of that history wrong: for example, some African-American men were ordained to the Mormon priesthood until the latter part of the nineteenth century, when regressive racially discriminatory policies were instituted.) And it is a story…

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Conservatives Accuse Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori of Misconduct

…and theological subterfuge. The group is a strategic reincarnation of the American Anglican Council of Washington, a chapter of the American Anglican Council (AAC), the national body created in 1996 to oversee congregations that split with the Episcopal Church. As an organization independent of the Episcopal church, the AAC and its affiliates would have not have standing in the church to bring disciplinary charges. Trustees of the AFF have been a…

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Bobby Jindal Hypes His Christian Cred at Liberty U.

…ten embarrassed to identify as a Hindu. I just wanted to be accepted as an American, because in this country, the dominant narrative has been—and continues to be—that being American implicitly (or explicitly) means being Christian. It’s likely why Barack Hussein Obama has had to repeatedly reaffirm his Christian bona fides. For Hindu kids, the dilemma of having to explain a “funny religion” can be traumatic, and the bullying that takes place—often…

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“You Lie!”: Messing with American Mass

…a long way towards explaining the outrage felt by legislators and by many Americans. The president was not speaking to a labor union in Ohio or to teachers in Florida—he was speaking to a joint session of Congress, a ritualized setting that invokes all the sacredness of the democratic government of the United States of America. Americans tend to watch such speeches together—as families, in restaurants, in bars. For a few moments, a significant po…

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Rebuilding the Wall of Separation: A Progressive Discussion on Church & State

…need to disentangle. This is necessary to ensure the equal standing of all Americans. But it is also important to break the hold of a chauvinistic nationalism on, for example, American Christianities. I have very little confidence that prayers sanctioned at official government events, such as inaugurations, do anything but lay a sacralizing veneer over the entire proceeding. I don’t think prophetic transformation of public life is going to be fost…

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