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Kill Your Patriarchs: An Interview with Michael Muhammad Knight

…from it with “absolute sincerity”. The insights that MMK offers on Muslim American life are woven throughout his non-fiction and fictional works. Between Impossible Man and Osama Van Halen, for example, we get one insider’s view of the implosion of the Progressive Muslim Union, the first female-led prayer in the U.S., and a view of the problems with contemporary Muslim-American organizations. Blue-Eyed Devil, a must for any syllabus on Islam in A…

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American Brokenness: A Lament

…liberal perspective is illegitimate; that it is wrong and dangerous and un-American and evil. More to the point, they have been told that liberals are not needed. They have been told that the nation would be better off without anyone to the left of Ronald Reagan; that an America with a particular construct of traditional social mores, an adventurous military, and an unfettered corporate capitalism could keep them safe and happy. Liberals, the stor…

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If the Media Are Reluctant to Properly Label the GOP’s Racist, Christian Nationalist Ideologies, We’ll Have Trouble Hanging on to Democracy

…le to be independent.” The statement that mainly focusing on the threat to American democracy as a news organization would make it “partisan” is bizarre—and a result of the media’s fetishization of “bipartisanship,” long after it has ceased to exist, because Republicans have refused to engage in regular politics within the bounds of democracy. If being “partisan” when it comes to the existence of democracy is a problem for news organizations, they…

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American Anti-Gay Campaign in Africa Opposes “Fictitious Sexual Rights”

Sharon Slater, American anti-gay activist and president of Family Watch International, recently encouraged delegates attending a law conference in Lagos, Nigeria to resist the United Nations’ calls to decriminalize homosexuality. Keynoting the Nigerian Bar Association Conference, Slater told delegates that they would lose their religious and parental rights if they supported “fictitious sexual rights.” One such “fictitious right” is the right to…

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Sit Down and Shut Up: Pulling Mindfulness Up By Its (Buddhist) Roots

…rtant to keep in mind that this conversation is unfolding within a divided American Buddhist community. Specific numbers are hard to pin down, and estimates vary widely, but roughly three-quarters of American Buddhists are Asian. The remainder are predominantly white converts. Practitioners in the Asian diaspora typically join communities that are aligned with sects popular in their origin countries. Convert Buddhists, on the other hand, tend to c…

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Touched by a Michael Landon: America’s Jewish Angel

…t trafficked in well-meaning revisionist history can tell us nothing about American Jewish culture in the last quarter of the nineteenth century. Yet the story of how “Oyfn Pripetshik” came to be sung in Walnut Grove may tell us something about the enduring place of Jewish languages in American culture today. “The Craftsman” was the first television job for a young writer named Paul Wolff, now a professor of screenwriting at the University of Sout…

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Hindu American Community Finally Coming Around for Pride Month

…support for LGBTQ members. Moreover, the decentralized nature of the Hindu American landscape has made it more difficult for efforts to be noted or noticed. The Hindu American Foundation has for years supported same-sex marriage, and has argued that LGBT equality is scripturally sanctioned. Hindu chaplains at universities like Princeton, Yale, and Georgetown, for example, have made LGBTQIA counseling and outreach a priority in their efforts. Hindu…

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VIDEO: “First-Generation, Indian-American Muslim Kid” Makes Fun of the President. Onstage.

…er for the first time Saturday, The Daily Show‘s “first-generation, Indian-American Muslim kid,” Hasan Minhaj, was in rare form, subjecting the D.C. press corps and the absent Trump administration to the biting, funny-because-its-true humor laced with socio-political critique that’s made him a standout senior correspondent on The Daily Show. The full 25-minute speech is worth watching (see video at the bottom of this post), but for those short on…

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American Christmas (Shopping) and the Protestant Reformation

…iness. So, Roman Catholics leave the Baby Jesus out of the manger, whereas American Protestants seem especially obsessed with that symbol of primal innocence. And American Protestants leave the Crucified Christ off of the Cross, which must mean something too… Consider what constituted the real heart of the religious reforms central to the Protestant Reformation. No holy water, no incense, no painting, no statues, no saints, no relics, no monasteri…

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Are We Entering the End Times for Mainline Seminaries?

…nce existed mainly to train full-time pastors faced reductions in both the number of churches that could support such positions and the number of people eager to take the more challenging, but lower paying, church jobs that remained. Some seminaries shifted their missions to serve the academy or society more broadly, while others trained more part-time, second-career and lay pastors. These shifts were less abrupt than decisions to close or merge a…

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