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The New Religious Left: A Marketing Dream or Political Reality?

…o far in criticizing Trump, or stand up too firmly for gay and transgender rights or reproductive rights, or criticize some organization for its institutional racism. It could be any of a dozen things or any of a dozen targets, left or right. But sooner or later, he’ll tick somebody off, and then there will have to be a choice. Either he’ll stand by his words and be marginalized—more or less kicked out of the movement—or he’ll recant, and the prop…

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The Roots of the American Right’s Muslim Brotherhood Panic

…But that reality gets in the way of some good propaganda for the American right, namely that the Muslim Brotherhood is the architect of the right’s imagined Islamic plot to replace the Constitution with shari’ah law.  A propagandist like Frank Gaffney finds many opportunities to peddle this claim. He — and others, including the authors of the laughable book Muslim Mafia, which claimed that the Council on American Islamic Relations planted interns…

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But What About the Parents? New York Times Falls Into the Anti-Trans ‘Parents’ Rights’ Trap

…qualified to oversee.” And if parents like her join up with the Christian Right to protect their “parental rights” and start voting for Republicans—as some of the mostly “liberal” parents interviewed for Baker’s report did—well, who could blame them? While Baker focuses on such parents, her article quotes very few trans people. She does, however, quote a single “expert,” Erica Anderson, a transgender psychologist who has become the darling of TER…

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McCarthy, Born Again and Retooled for Our Time

…ians step in to save every soul. Noebel’s conferences, lauded by religious right figures like James Dobson as a life-saving antidote to the fallen world that tempts our wayward teens, represent just a fraction of his reach. His teaching materials are widely used in homeschool curricula, and Summit is developing more materials to start children as early as first grade on a diet of his collision-of-worldviews thesis. That framework forms the basis f…

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Perry Prayer Event “Getting Traction” with Religious Right Elites

…his: as much as Perry’s associations with certain partners in this endeavor, including prayer warriors influenced by the New Apostolic Reformation and others, have been portrayed by Perry’s critics as evidence that he is cavorting with the fringe even of the religious right, the religious right obviously doesn’t see it that way. Its leadership is closing ranks around Perry and his associates, perhaps not necessarily as evidence of their support of…

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Religious Right Claims Heterosexual Marriage is a Requirement for Statehood

…d Maggie Gallagher also makes mention saying: “The simple fact is that the right of the federal government to define marriage for the purposes of its federal law and federal territories has been clear since the late 19th century, when Congress banned polygamy.” First, it’s clear that the ADF is still using the old scare tactic of “gay marriage leads inevitably to polygamy,” which is absurd on its face, since no one is trying to allow a man or a wo…

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Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Red/Blue ‘National Divorce’ Looks an Awful Lot Like a Confederate Flag

…eastern side declaring tomorrow, February 25th, a “day of hate.” But that right-wing, and even far-right, bent is only part of the state. And that has not, and almost certainly will not remain unchallenged. In a country where only a fraction of voters who are eligible actually participate, sweeping statements about a given state’s political allegiances are not only exaggerations in the moment but they’re also attempts to erase the tides of histor…

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How U.S. Conservatives Conjured the Jesus of Their Dreams

…about what control of the Court means for their agenda: an end to abortion rights, a rollback of LGBTQ+ rights, restrictive immigration, and elimination of the Affordable Care Act, among other horrors. In their view, a 6-3 court might even be able to save Trump’s chestnuts if (God forbid) we end up in a deadlock echoing the 2000 debacle, when a 5-4 Court handed the White House to George W. Bush by stopping the count in Florida. The question, of co…

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Alienating Even the Sadistic Trumpian Right, How Did Kristi Noem Miscalculate So Badly With Her Puppy Killing Story?

…ssed by Fox Business host Steve Varney on the puppy murder, resorted to outright hostility: Enough, Stuart. This interview is ridiculous, what you are doing right now. So, you need to stop. Let’s talk about some real topics that Americans care about. And while some conservative media personalities like Sean Hannity let Noem get away with her claim that the “fake news media” had taken “the worst spin” and run with it, others like Rob Finnerty on Ne…

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Are Religious Right Leaders Telling Bob Vander Plaats to Go to Hell?

…t appear more racially diverse. Jackson, in turn, has framed the religious right agenda on LGBT and reproductive rights issues in racial terms; he has described abortion as black “genocide,” and has complained that “gay activists enjoy better education, better jobs, better housing, greater access to the system, and now – legislative power. Something is wrong when the privileged feign that they are the persecuted, when the powerful posture themselv…

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