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Green Candidate Jill Stein Maintains Anti-Vaxxer Cred

…e not alone. Stein’s immunization equivocation started last week, when the Washington Post asked whether she thinks vaccines cause autism. Instead of saying “no,” Stein, a Harvard-trained physician, offered a two-minute-long disquisition on lobbying and its influence on regulatory agencies. Citing her medical experience, Stein added that there was a time when I looked very closely at those issues, and not all those issues were completely resolved….

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A Queer New Year

…e-sex couples in Maryland started getting legally married—joining those in Washington state and Maine, where voters had also given a thumbs-up in a remarkable set of November election victories. Pro-equality activists are working to build on those victories with legislative campaigns in Illinois, Minnesota, and several other states to win marriage equality this year. And of course the Supreme Court will be hearing cases on Prop. 8 and DOMA in Marc…

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For International Human Rights Day, a Snapshot of LGBT Rights from the Vatican to Cape Town

…rights around the world. Unfortunately, Trump’s cabinet choices include a number of stridently anti-gay figures, and his rumored pick of Exxon Mobil CEO Rex Tillerson as Secretary of State is sounding alarm for Tillerson’s close ties to Russia’s Vladimir Putin as well as the company’s historically poor track record on LGBT issues. C-Fam, the US based organization that is helping to lead an anti-LGBT backlash at the United Nations, attacked a spee…

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Leave It to Trump to Split a Catholic-Evangelical Bloc That’s Generations Old

…st demographic challenge for Donald Trump’s presidential ambitions. As the Washington Post recently reported, a poll from the Public Religion Research Institute found that Catholic voters preferred Hillary Clinton to Trump by a crushing 23 percent margin, 55-32. With less than a third of Catholics intending to vote for him, Trump has fallen well below the support GOP candidates typically enjoy from Catholic voters. George W. Bush won the Catholic…

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Rev. Barber: A “Moral Center,” Not a “Religious Left,” Will Save Us in 2017

…round at the Times Square New Year’s Eve celebration, hundreds gathered in Washington, D.C.’s historic Metropolitan AME Church for a Watch Night service led by the Rev. William Barber, other clergy, and activists. He and his colleagues are calling for a new Poor People’s Campaign, 50 years after Dr. Martin Luther King announced plans for the original. Barber, head of the North Carolina NAACP and its Moral Mondays movement, has become a focal point…

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Anti-Gay, Anti Catholic Evangelical Sworn In As Mayor of Rio; More in Global LGBT Recap

…ry’s Independent Electoral Commission, is scheduled for January 19. As the Washington Blade’s Michael Lavers reminds us, “Jammeh in 2015 said he would slit the throats of gay Gambian men. He has described homosexuality as among the three ‘biggest threats to human existence’ and claimed he can cure AIDS.” Russia: Orthodox & Nationalist Groups Use Anti-Gay Law To Target Artistic Freedom Free Muse reports that Orthodox and nationalist groups are thre…

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Rev. William Barber Calls Jeff Sessions Nomination A “Moral Crisis”

On a bright, cold day in Washington, D.C.—the eve of the start of confirmation hearings for Sen. Jeff Sessions—dozens of clergy gathered around Rev. William Barber and Faith in Public Life‘s Rev. Jennifer Butler on the steps of the Lutheran Church of the Reformation, calling on the U.S. Senate to reject Sessions’ nomination to be U.S. attorney general. Before the press conference began, a woman with a powerful voice created a biblical context, si…

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Mormons Take Even More Activist Message to DC Pride March

…ade, Mormons will again take to the streets this Saturday, to march in the Washington D.C. pride parade—the second in a series of ten pride parade contingents planned by a loose coalition of grassroots Mormon groups nationwide. In Salt Lake City, Mormons Building Bridges stressed a very simple message of love and understanding, an important step, organizers felt, towards addressing feelings of pain, division, and estrangement over LGBT issues in U…

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Authoritarian Populism Vs Human Rights, The Campaign Against ‘Gender Ideology’ and More in Global LGBT Recap

…odate violence or discrimination against anyone.” In an interview with the Washington Blade, outgoing U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Samantha Power said the struggle for LGBT human rights “has to be waged internationally and a very efficient way to touch a lot of countries in a concerted way and in an aggressive way is the United Nations.” U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry issued a formal apology for discrimination against LGBT employees d…

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Romney: “A Life Balanced Between Fear and Greed”?

Last weekend’s news cycle brought important stories in the Washington Post, the New York Times, and the Boston Globe about how Mitt Romney does business. The picture they paint is not entirely new, but it is consistent: Romney extracted value while, and sometimes by, outsourcing and destroying jobs, at times financing deals through “leveraged buyouts” that added substantially to the debts of companies trying to stay afloat. One source close to th…

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