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Hungarian Mayor Wants to Import White Christians, Ban Muslims & LGBT People; Global LGBT Recap

…is month that an Arabic-language pro-LGBT hashtag trended worldwide In the Washington Post, Emma-Kate Symons published an op ed with the not-so-subtle title, “How Pope Francis can cleanse the far-right rot from the Catholic Church.” In the column, she urges Pope Francis to “take tougher action against the United States’ most influential Catholic in Rome, Cardinal Raymond ‘Breitbart’ Burke.” A sampling: The renegade cleric is not only undermining F…

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The Senate Deal: Still Stroking the Rich [UPDATED]

…t wasn’t necessary to say this, but it is: religiously and ethically, the “Washington consensus” tax deal is a disaster. The New Year’s Eve pas de deux between Joe Biden and Mitch McConnell produced a deal that people with lots of money will love. America’s really rich won’t be soaked at all under this deal; they will be stroked. If the loonier House Republicans weren’t so totally obsessed with hacking domestic social spending right this minute, r…

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Beck Plus God Does Not Equal X

…mon. He stood close to the spot where King stood for the historic March on Washington, calling America back to “God.” Wright did the same, criticizing the government for treating Native Americans wrongly, for many acts, but all of his criticisms in the “God Damn America” sermon rested on God’s judgment and the Bible, and what happens when nations kill innocent people. To quote Wright: “God damn America as long as she tries to act like she is God a…

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Solidarity Through Veiling? Backlash Has Been “Personal, Fierce and Vile…”

…s ago, on December 28, Asra Nomani entered the 1000+ comment stream to her Washington Post op-ed of the previous week: Dear Friends, Thank you so much for your support and intellect on this article. We have received a backlash that is been personal, fierce and vile, at times. The backlash confirms our thesis and reflects, to us, the extent to which the headscarf is a symbol of the ideology of political Islam that we described here. Thank you for r…

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Tax Cuts for the Super Rich Aren’t Biblical

Jordan Sekulow’s Washington Post On Faith column arguing that tax cuts for the wealthy are the biblical thing to do gets the Bible all wrong. If Sekulow took a look in the Bible, he would see plainly that Jesus endorses the payment of taxes as the price of participation in the economy. You use Caesar’s money, you pay Caesar’s taxes. You use US government-issued greenbacks, you pay the US taxes. Were Sekulow to open the Bible, he would also note R…

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Ponzi Pastor, Bacon Terrorism, & Spiritual Jewelry

…for “psychological terrorism.” He wants $350 million as compensation. The Washington Post decided not to run a comic from the popular Non Sequitur comic strip entitled “Where’s Muhammad?” The single-frame comic was a parody of the popular Where’s Waldo books and did not actually depict the prophet. In Great Britain, a Muslim woman, forced to remove her veil in court, gave her testimony behind a screen so only the magistrates could see her. The ra…

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‘Pro-Life’ Theater, Open White Nationalism, and Virility Fear — Day 3 of NatCon

…ates, Talento declares that women control access to sex. If they “value it cheaply”—meaning, sex outside of marriage—no man would ever want to marry them, because he wouldn’t have to. In this view, men marry for sex, while women marry for economic security—a deeply depressing glimpse into the gender and marriage politics this movement seeks to impose on the rest of the nation. Have more children, but have them my way—A rift in the pronatalist-coal…

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The New Age Fantasy of a Celtic Church that Revered Nature and the Divine Feminine Never Existed — So What?

…rs and Irish step dancers; in Chicago the river will be dyed green, and in Washington DC the Taoiseach will present the president with a Waterford Crystal filled with shamrocks. We’ll see kitschier associations as well, from “Kiss Me I’m Irish” t-shirts to full-grown adults cosplaying as leprechauns. Clergy have expressed concern about secular revelry obscuring the religious significance of what, after all, is a saint’s day. Fr. Ryan Jones, an Epi…

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False Saviors: Trump, Cruz, and the Gospel of the Quick Fix

…nted for 60% of employment in 1979 accounted for only 46% by 2012; and the number of persons not in the labor force is growing. While some are getting richer, the numbers tell us, middle income earners are hobbled by shrinking purchasing power, disappearing job opportunities, and increasingly out-of-reach education. This is problem enough for the many who work hard and can’t figure out why they’re “losing ground,” as Pew wrote. Add to that fears o…

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The Gospel of Contradiction: An Interview with Mary Gordon

…mmunity that I can lead them to more familiarity with a very great text. A number of times you bring up Thomas Jefferson’s abridgement of the Gospels. He seems to be someone who, in some ways, you’re identifying with but also making very different choices from. I don’t have the luxury of just snipping out the parts of the Bible I don’t like. Whereas I greatly admire Jefferson and the Enlightenment figures for their courage in blasting through so m…

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