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Civil Unions Battle Heats Up in Italy; Church Leaders in Malawi Defend Criminalization of Homosexuality; Report on LGBT Student Group Sparks Backlash in Indonesia; Global LGBT Recap

Several reports relating to LGBT human rights internationally were released this week: Human Rights Watch released its 659-page World Report 2016, which reviews human rights practices in more than 90 countries, in the context of “the huge flow of refugees spawned by repression and conflict” that have led governments “to curtail rights in misguided efforts to protect their security.” The report includes an essay on global efforts toward legal reco…

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Kavanaugh’s ‘Jesuitical’ Response to ‘Abomination’ of ‘Roe v. Wade’ in 2006

Jesuitical of or relating to Jesuits or Jesuitism. (often lowercase) practicing casuistry or equivocation; using subtle or oversubtle reasoning; crafty; sly; intriguing. – After many years of Jesuit education, I recognize dissembling jesuitical remarks when I hear them. To wit: At a 2006 hearing to name Brett Kavanaugh to the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals, Senator Chuck Schumer asked now Supreme Court Justice nominee a direct quest…

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The Sex Scandal Following Whole Foods’ Guru

Over the holidays, the New York Times ran a punishing profile of Marc Gafni, an ex-rabbi who reinvented himself as a New Age spiritual leader. A founder of the Center for Integral Wisdom and organizer of the Success 3.0 Summit, Gafni has built a New Age brand around two trademark concepts—Unique Self and Outrageous Love—which, like much of “Integral Theory,” seems to draw from psychotherapy, Eastern and Western religious traditions, and philosoph…

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Packed with Threats of Political Violence, Media Largely Ignore the NAR’s ‘Million Women’ Rally in DC

On October 12th one of the most remarkable political statements of any religious leader in this or any election season was broadcast live from an all-day rally of tens of thousands of people on the Washington Mall. The event, called A Million Women, was staged by some of the leading apostles and prophets in the New Apostolic Reformation. As evening fell, Ché Ahn, a Korean American apostle from Pasadena, stepped up to the mic and declared, “I’m to…

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Apocalypse Left and Right: A Graphic Primer

THE 2012 MOVIE AND THE POLITICS OF THE APOCALYPSE Panel 2: Box office statistics for Independence Day and The Day After Tomorrow courtesy of box office mojo. panel 3 taken from a 2004 Cinema Confidential interview with Emmerich. panel 7: Historical note: The term apocalypticism here specifically pertains to the Abrahamic religious tradition, though it describes a general type of theological movement that has existed in numerous religions as far b…

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‘Landmark’ Speech From LDS Leader on LGBTQ Rights and Religious Freedom Was More Like a Sunnier Groundhog Day

On Friday evening at the University of Virginia, Dallin H. Oaks, the head of the LDS church, delivered a speech aimed, ostensibly, at balancing what religious conservatives refer to as “religious freedom” and the rights of LGBTQ+ individuals to live free of discrimination. There were whispers in advance that this would be a significant moment with regard to the Church’s relationship to LGBTQ people, and indeed the Salt Lake Tribune’s religion rep…

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The ‘Pro-Family’ Movement Has Little to Say About Family Separation

After weeks of protests and widespread anger over the thousands of migrant and refugee children separated from their parents at the U.S. border, the Justice Department has finally begun returning some of the youngest children to their parents. Horror stories continue to emerge: the 1-year-old forced to represent himself in immigration court; the 38 children whose parents cannot be located; the father who cries that having his child taken caused “…

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Anti-Gay Evangelicalism is the Norm: A Less Rosy Take on the Evangelical “Tipping Point”

“I held my tongue as she told me, ‘Son, fear is the heart of love.’ So I never went back.” – Death Cab for Cutie, from “I Will Follow You into the Dark” (2005) Ahead of today’s historic Supreme Court ruling on same-sex marriage, we saw a lot of preemptive pushback from right-wing evangelical groups like the American Family Association and the Southern Baptist Convention—and in the wake of the ruling we’re sure to see more. We’ve also recently see…

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Manhattan Declaration Asks: What If Jesus Had Been Aborted?

Over at the website of the Manhattan Declaration, this is treated as a serious question in honor of Christmas: If Christ were never born, our history, our surrounding, every culture, and even the earth would be a vastly different place. Think about it, if Christ were never born, there would be no reason to have Christmas and your very birth is questionable (would your parents have met?). The post goes on to list a number of world events, inventio…

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Tim Pawlenty’s Dilemma: How Far Will His Anti-Choice Extremism Go?

Republican presidential hopeful and former Minnesota governor Tim Pawlenty has a problem, the same problem every GOP aspirant has: he wants to be radical enough for the party’s base, yet he has to appear anodyne enough for the rest of the country if he wins the nomination. In Pawlenty’s case, the answer to the latter call was to write an extremely dull book about himself, Courage to Stand. Conor Friedersdorf, for one, is unimpressed. Noting Pawle…

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