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Jim Wallis Rejects 1996 Pro-Life Declaration

Sojourners president and Obama advisor Jim Wallis has injected himself prominently into health care reform advocacy. But his position on whether abortion should be covered in a reform bill has generated confusion: is he as extreme as line-in-the-sand anti-choicers, who would reject any health care bill that didn’t remove any remote chance of federal dollars tangentially funding abortion, and who want to require women to privately purchase a rider…

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LGBT Victories at Olympics, Struggles in Brazil; Catholic Bishops Organizing Anti-Marriage Equality Protests in Mexico; Global LGBT Recap

Rio Olympics: Great games for LGBT athletes, tough times for LGBT Brazilians tracked the success of LGBT athletes at the Olympics in Rio, as well as more than a dozen who narrowly missed making the medal podium. Italian Rachele Bruni dedicated her silver medal in the 10k marathon swim “to her girlfriend as well as her family and coach.” Journalist Nico Hines left the country in the wake of controversy over his Daily Beast story, whi…

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Neither The Joker Nor Godlessness Drove Batman Shooting

When men don’t fear God, they give themselves to evil. This was clearly the case in the latest mass murder. —Ray Comfort As many of us are struggling to find a reason or reasons for the Aurora, Colorado theater shootings in the early morning of Friday, July 20, there is no shortage of pundits offering their own explanations. Maybe the alleged shooter, James Holmes, was depressed after scoring low on exams in his PhD program at the University of C…

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Black Satanist Candidate Faces LA Sheriff Shakedown

Steve Hill is a lot of things: A former marine, a former correctional officer, a stand-up comic, and a political candidate. And he’s a Black Satanist who’s spoken publicly about how Christianity is holding the Black community back. Hill also works as a home appraiser and travels in a vehicle with a vanity license plate that reads “4 Satan.” Shortly before the murder of George Floyd on May 25, 2020, Hill was confronted by the Los Angeles County Sh…

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Celebrating Religious Freedom Day By Taking Back the Revolutionary Meaning of ‘Religious Freedom’

Religious freedom has been at the center of American history since the founding. (And by the founding, I mean of the United States of America, not including the roughly century-and-a-half of colonial era.) There’s a story of religious freedom in the U.S. that isn’t widely or well understood—and is fiercely contested by the Christian Right. Religious freedom was and is a revolutionary and liberatory concept that can disrupt entangled religious and…

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8 Great Hanukkah Clips from TV

Note: The second clip below (it may be after the jump depending on how you got to this post) begins playing automatically. You may want to pause it before reading and enjoying the videos. — eds. Most articles during the course of Hanukkah’s 8 days will remind you about the holiday’s history or, perhaps, relate stories about how various communities are celebrating. Not being Jewish and growing up in the Bible belt, everything I learned about Hanuk…

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Anti-Vaxx Cardinal Burke, Just Off the Ventilator, is Becoming a Living Anti-Abortion Martyr

Earlier this month Cardinal Raymond Leo Burke announced to the world that he had contracted Covid-19 in a strangely triumphant August 10 tweet “Praised be Jesus Christ! I wish to inform you that I have recently tested positive for the COVID-19 virus.” By August 14 he’d been sedated and placed on a ventilator at an undisclosed Wisconsin hospital. Though so gravely ill that he was unable to breathe on his own, an updated tweet from his account insi…

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The Bindi Isn’t Indie

It’s early, the sun not yet high enough to pierce the LA skyline, when Kat gets up to meditate. She spends half an hour cross-legged on a low wooden stool—yoga mats are harder to get up from at her age, she jokes—and then gets ready for the day. As she’s finishing up her makeup with setting powder, she chooses a clear crystal bindi from her collection and carefully sticks it on. “It centers me. I know I’m gonna be rushing through the day, so this…

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The New God-Fearers (FKA “The Nones”) and Where to Find Them

You can read about them in a steady stream of reports heralding the demise of 21st-century American Christianity: the growing population of “Nones” who are no longer filling church pews. The label, of course, comes from that dangling multiple-choice item on questionnaires asking about religious affiliation: “None of the above.” “The Nones” is an unfortunate term, easily confused with “the nuns.” You can’t use it in conversation without spelling i…

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Does Donald Trump Have a Catholic Problem?

Next week’s New Hampshire primary will be the first test of Donald Trump’s staying power in a true primary and right now he holds a commanding lead. If the Trumpster holds sway in the Granite State, the Republican primary calendar moves southward to states like South Carolina, where Trump is polling well. But Trump’s momentum and the structure of the GOP primary calendar could be hiding a potential weakness for Trump that may hurt him both in an…

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