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White House Unveils Contraception Accommodation Plan [UPDATED]

…without any religious exemptions, were scheduled to host a conference call today at 11:30 a.m. They postponed it after it became clear the White House was set to announce the accommodation today. The letter says the religious conscience of women and the separation of church and state support the requirement for coverage without an exemption for religious institutions. It’s clear that the White House was not seeking to appease the U.S. Conference o…

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Anti-Contraception Activists Claim Their Suits are Last Resort to Undermine Health Care

…os, issues a statement with some truly dubious word choices and arguments: Today, the Supreme Court has upheld nothing more than a Ponzi scheme to expand the abortion business. If this legislation is not overturned by the next administration, Obamacare’s socialist-style diktats will be used, not to provide better or more affordable health care, but to expand Planned Parenthood’s abortion empire across the backs of American taxpayers and people of…

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The Forgotten Struggle Over Gender and Bigotry in Christianity

…ister in the mid-nineteenth century, now has fewer than a million members. Today the Mormons outnumber the church of the Pilgrims seven to one—and the Mormons are not ordaining any women. The church is the last institution in America where it is still legal to discriminate on the basis of gender. So, an ancient Christian credo declaring solidarity across ethnic lines, class division, and gender difference sounded a little unbelievable to someone w…

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Let The Sun Shine In: Marriage Equality Comes to Broadway

…r and Marriage Equality There are many risks in doing a production of Hair today because of the ways that society has changed; the play could easily come across now as camp or nostalgia. Yes, we are a nation that continues to wage war, which still creates indescribable tragedy in our contemporary lives. But with Iraq and Afghanistan, we “sacrificed” by going shopping, the bodies of dead soldiers were hidden from our television sets, and we allowed…

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Religious Freedom Not Harmed by Tenth Circuit Decision in Utah Marriage Case

…Marriage Act. Like many of the district court opinions, the Tenth Circuit today rejected arguments that marriage equality infringes on the religious freedom of its opponents. Because, the court noted, it ruled that same-sex marriage is a fundamental right protected by the Constitution, its opponents cannot argue against it based on claims that legalizing it would result in infringements of religious freedom or create religious strife. The opinion…

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Francis Now and Then: The Ecological Politics of Saints

…cular approach to human-animal relations one that we might seek to revisit today. But this doesn’t prevent us from reading Francis as a figure who challenged the shape of political life in his time—and might still, in our own. The world he cared about was bigger, broader, and more complex than that encompassed by human society.  It’s not that we don’t need wisdom or counsel of figures like Francis, but the terrors and trials we face today are unpr…

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Apocalypse Now and Then: How a Biblical Genre Shapes American Politics

…theology that animates evangelical Christians today. Extreme moral dualism Today’s white evangelicals in the U.S.—along with many conservative white Catholics and mainline Protestants—imagine themselves to be the persecuted faithful, victims of state oppression in the mold of biblical apocalypses. While this might seem ludicrous to outsiders, it aptly captures their sense of the disorder of the last half century as they’ve been compelled to share…

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Netanyahu’s (Republican) Esther Moment

…cent of them have a favorable view of Netanyahu, according to Pew poll out today, and conducted during the escalating controversy over the prime minister’s speech. Meanwhile, 53 percent of Republicans have a favorable view of the Israeli leader, reflecting, as the Pew report explains, divides that are religious as well as partisan: “Among religious groups, white evangelical Protestants have the most favorable impressions of Netanyahu (50% favorabl…

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Blood and Politics — Christian White Nationalism in the Age of Obama

…and they helped create a realignment of forces that continues to plague us today. How does that show itself today? Primarily in the anti-immigrant movement—the lobbyists, Minuteman vigilantes, and racist think tanks that support them. It is here that the idea that the United States is or should be a “White” country takes on the form of a policy issue. If you follow the discussion among anti-immigrant groups, the dominant discourse is about how the…

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Welcome to the “Spin-od”: Conservatives Look to Halt Reforms on Divorce and Other “Family Matters”

…ring the synod, but it was possible to change pastoral practice to reflect today’s realities. … The new practices, it was claimed, simply fit better with the current situation of many people in the Church. But that wasn’t manipulation—it was the key purpose of the synod and the question Francis asked it to address. Most of what conservatives term “manipulation” was newly empowered progressive bishops pushing for change, something they hadn’t had t…

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