
Remembering What Blood Has Bought


Suresnes American Cemetery was unsealed in the early 1950s to welcome twenty-four unknown dead of World War II. But these dead did not join the row-on-row ranks of the knowns of World War I. Instead, they were buried between two sections of the graves area and arranged in the shape of a Latin cross.

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Lady Gaga’s Secret Religion


Is Lady Gaga (the self-proclaimed “fame monster” so well known for her enticing pop music, outrageous fashion, and elaborately staged spectacles) involved in a pseudo-religious conspiracy of global moment? The answer is “yes”—but not for the reasons that…

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It’s Marketin’ Time!


When Jesus was knocked to the mat by Satan, being pounded by the elbows of sin, he did not tap out. So believes Jason David Frank, once a star on the iconic Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers, who now markets fight-wear to Christians who love the violent and sometimes bloody sport known as mixed martial arts. 

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