Christmas Candy Jesus, Black Magi, Jewish Xmas
RD thinks the 73% of Americans who celebrate a Jesus-less Christmas are just fine.
Read MoreRD thinks the 73% of Americans who celebrate a Jesus-less Christmas are just fine.
Read MorePaul Simon, Rev. J. M. Gates, and the meaning of Christmas.
Read MoreWe would plead that the Lord have mercy on your soul, but you have no soul, as you exist only as a lie and nothing more.
Read MoreWhere’s Jesus? Depends on whom you ask.
Read MoreJesus was always flapping his gums about the poor, but not once did he call for tax cuts for the wealthiest two percent of Romans.
Read MoreNew Hampshire family wants school officials booted for assigning Nickeled and Dimed.
Read MoreRD would never have built a KKK snowman. Not ever.
Read MoreSave the date—Jesus is scheduled to make his second coming appearance on May 21, 2011.
Read More10 questions for the author of a new satire of American Christianity.
For the past four years, Pastor Bill Dunfee of the New Beginnings Ministries Church has led his congregation in picketing The Foxhole, a tiny gentleman’s club in Warsaw, Ohio. Church members usually arrive at the Foxhole on weekends at 11:30pm, bearing signs, bullhorns, and cameras. While…
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