The Truth about Catholics and Condoms
The Pope took a big first step that the rest of the leadership must follow.
Read MoreThe Pope took a big first step that the rest of the leadership must follow.
Read MoreYes, Episcopal priests have embraced other traditions. But Ross, the Church didn’t embrace those priests.
Read MoreJust in time for the election comes the film version of Mexico’s Cristero War, depicting brave rebels risking it all for religious freedom. Only problem with the story: it’s not really true.
Read MorePerhaps the Vatican’s hard-line tactics are an intentional purge.
Read MoreMichael Sean Winters welcomes back the Society of St. Pius X.
Read MoreThe decision of Episcopal churches like St. Luke’s to convert en masse to Roman Catholicism while retaining a quasi-medieval Anglican liturgy is not, however, a decision to move into this ever-emerging ecclesial reality. It is a solemn retreat into an imagined past where a priest’s sacramental office itself, his back turned to the congregation, protects him from the conflicted desires and diverse stirrings of the wider church.
Read MorePittsburgh and Seattle parishes are respectfully saying “no thank you” to bishops accusing Obama of a “to hell with you!” attitude.
Read MoreWould that it were true that, as Ryan said, “Catholic social teaching is indispensable for officeholders”; Mitt Romney’s description of Ryan’s budget as “marvelous” would no longer be ludicrous.
Read MoreDepends on your definition of “said.”
Read MoreHuman rights, the role of the Church, and politics aren’t the whole story.
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