The Garden of Eden: A Dull Place? Paradise Lust Author Explains…
A conversation with Brook Wilensky-Lanford, author of Paradise Lust: Searching for the Garden of Eden.
Read MoreA conversation with Brook Wilensky-Lanford, author of Paradise Lust: Searching for the Garden of Eden.
Read More“As a black, feminist, marriage-equality advocate I reside at an important intersection in this struggle. This movement must acknowledge the unique history of racial oppression, while still revealing the interconnections of all marriage exclusion. This work must reflect the feminist critique of marriage, while still acknowledging the ancient, cross-cultural, human attachment to marriage. This work must be staunchly supportive of same-sex marriage, while rejecting a marriage-normative framework that silences the contributions of queer life.”
Read MoreFor any student of American history, all of this sounds eerily familiar—right down to the revision of dates. American history is littered with predictions about the end of the world.
Read MoreDuring my lecture I faced a standing room crowd of heretics, fence sitters, curiosity seekers, and true believers bracing for a circus sideshow. Traveling across America to speak on freethought and abolitionism during the 19th century, white feminist atheist Ernestine Rose was smeared as being a “thousand times below a prostitute.”
Read MoreWhen survival is the name of the game, how are White Male Heterosexual Conservative Christians going to rally the diminishing troops in a desperate bid to hold on to the power slipping from their hands?
Read MoreBut even while the language and the tone of anti-gay evangelical groups is beginning to shift, the reality is that while the language of anti-bullying has been adopted by groups like Focus on the Family, the theological and ideological currents that produce the reality of anti-gay bullying remain unquestioned.
Read MoreDid the alleged killer draw any imaginary encouragement from his newfound Mormon context?
Read MoreWhen a young man invoked the Bible after murdering an older man for making sexual advances, a prominent gay activist wrote in agreement that the Bible does say to kill gays—implying that gays would be better off without religion.
Read MoreWhile the current assault on unions seems driven mostly by the billionaire Koch brothers and corporate-funded groups, religious right leaders and activists have spent decades creating fertile soil for anti-union campaigns through the promotion of biblical capitalism.
Read MoreReading the story Sodom as being about homosexuality is like reading the story of an axe-murderer and saying it’s about an axe.
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