And Why is it Important to Note that God Takes Sides?
Because of this.
Read MoreBecause of this.
Read MoreTwo out of three Americans believe that gay people commit suicide at least partly because of messages coming out of churches and other places of worship. How is it that a community claiming to possess truth and love ends up perpetuating these problems?
Read MoreSo much for the efficacy of remote prayer. Or is there more to think about?
Read MoreWe’re not “stuck and polarized” by special interests, but because our politicians couldn’t imagine their way out of a wet paper bag.
Read MoreRD contributor Daniel Schultz recently published his first book: Changing the Script, based in large part on the thought of Old Testament scholar and theologian, Walter Brueggeman. To mark the book release, we sent Pastor Dan to interview Brueggemann at his home in Cincinnati.
Read MoreAfter this weekend’s rally by the new Evangelist-in-Chief, Glenn Beck, I am left with a question: Why is it that when white religious men say outlandish stuff, it’s brilliant, and when black religious men say outlandish stuff, they are evil and racist?
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Quick! How do you know if you’re dealing with a conservative Mormon or a liberal Unitarian-Universalist?
Read MoreThe “Restoring Honor” rally may have had a lot of religious talk about freedom and rebirth, but it offered nothing new.
Read MoreWhat a nun’s death tells us about how the American way of life was built.
Read MoreIt’s not Christian to refuse counseling to gays and lesbians.
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