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Sorry, National Review: “Religious Freedom” Bills Do Permit Bigotry

…acrobatics. “These supposed social-justice warriors will never admit the truth,” she writes. “That there isn’t a single U.S. law permitting discrimination against individuals based on sexual orientation.” Talk about obfuscation. It is true there is no federal or state law that says “it’s OK to turn away the gays if God said you could,” but there’s also no federal law protecting LGBT people from discrimination in the workplace, in housing, in heal…

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RD10Q: Spiritual Survival for LGBT Christians

…pockmarks in it where “bullets” were apparently stopped. In the title, the word “Bulletproof” was emphasized in capitals with “Faith” in smaller type. Then, just to put too fine a point on it, there were two bullets in the lower right hand corner of the cover. Being a first-time author, I wasn’t sure what my role was in the cover design or how I was supposed to react. I contacted my agent who told me that was the number one complaint of new author…

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Trump’s Muslim Ban and the History of Stolen Citizenship in America

…open. This administration hides behind lies and bigger lies to avoid the truth of its racism. But sometimes, someone lets it slip, and Trump’s supporters say things like “Muslim Ban.” From the time when President Barack Obama first ran for office, he was called “Muslim,” because people were afraid to say the n-word in public. The two terms became in many ways synonymous. The Muslim ban is a ban on people of color, and none of us are secure in our…

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The Untold Story of The Greatest Yiddish Poet in America

…estiny, composes poem after poem, hoping to conjure her up by means of his words. “Make words your homeland…” Yiddish, for Manseau’s characters, is not merely a language, but a Weltangshaung, a “portable homeland,” as Heine might have put it. As one of Manseau’s characters recommends, “Make words your homeland, Itsik. Make them your lover as well. I swear to you, if you do, you will never be homeless and you will never be heartbroken. You will ris…

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Betrayed at the Polls, Evangelicals of Color at a Crossroads

…d be fine. But George was more than fine. He was having fun. But then the grumpy drunk stumbled over, pointed at the beanie on George’s head and barked, “Why don’t you take that hat off. You look like a fucking terrorist.” The white partygoers grew silent and waited for George to react, which he eventually did, diffusing the conversation with politeness. Though he lowered the heat a few notches, the man continued to call him a terrorist so many ti…

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Douthat’s Wager: Go to Church, Even If You Don’t Believe

…ntalism, and anti-militarism. In addition to that, they have an extensive, international infrastructure of churches, seminaries, and charities ready to serve the marginalized and focus collective action. They have a skilled workforce that is decidedly not in it for the money and that doesn’t mind being arrested at a protest. And, no small thing, the Episcopalian or Presbyterian church is often the most beautiful building in town. Even if the neare…

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‘Don’t Call Me Black No More, I’m an Israelite’: Kendrick Lamar, Black Hebrew Religion, and Black Suffering

…us, the so-called Blacks, Hispanics, and Native American Indians, are the true children of Israel. We are the Israelites according to the Bible. The children of Israel, he’s gonna punish us for our iniquities, for our disobedience, because we chose to follow other gods that aren’t his son, so the Lord, thy God, chasten thee. So, just like you chasten your own son, he’s gonna chastise you because he loves you. So that’s why we get chastised, that’s…

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From Original Sin to Flattering Mirror: The Uses and Misuses of Civil Rights History

…t of the nation itself. They marked the Americanness of the civil rights struggle, and held up the power of US democracy and progress to the world. Political leaders, pundits, and citizens came to see and tell the story of the modern civil rights movement as one of progress and national redemption. Jim Crow was framed as a horrible Southern relic, and the movement to unseat it became a powerful tale of courageous Americans defeating a long-ago evi…

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Does “Religious Freedom” Deserve Scare Quotes?

…ion that upheld the firing of two Native Americans who lost their jobs as drug counselors after using peyote during a religious ceremony. But modern iterations of this type of legislation (See: Indiana, Arkansas, Mississippi) have changed the RFRA game. This new framework shifts RFRA’s intent from remedying an actual injury, to instead serve as an enforcement mechanism for the socially conservative understanding of law and, most crucially, sexual…

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