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RD on BBC: Park51 Controversy

…Associate Editor Hussein Rashid appeared on the BBC show Beyond Belief on Oct. 4, 2010, to discuss the history and place of Islam in America. Other panelists include Robert Salaam of The American Muslim and Daniel Pipes. About half the show focuses on the Park51 controversy and responding to Pam Gellar’s incitement against New Yorkers’ right to self-determination.  …

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Audio: BBC Conversation On RD’s Letter to Muslims on Same-Sex Marriage

…Shortly after Reza Aslan and Hasan Minhaj’s, “An Open Letter to American Muslims,” was first published on RD this past Tuesday, it became clear that it had launched a critical discussion across the United States. But now, as the subject of BBC’s “World Have Your Say” program (sorry, programme), the letter has jumped our nation’s borders and launched the discussion across the world:…

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Should CNN Religion Writer Accept Award From Religious Advocacy Org?

…s organization.) According to Time Warner’s Standards of Business Conduct (CNN is a Time Warner subsidiary), employees are to avoid conflicts of interest. While they do not address the particulars of journalists being honored by an advocacy group, The New York Times’ “Policy on Ethics in Journalism,” for example, offers clear guidelines for such circumstances: “Staff members may not enter local, national or international competitions sponsored by…

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Religion in Real Time on CNN’s “Believer”: A Conversation with Reza Aslan

…arkable. Anyone familiar with the Catholic mass will recognize some of the words that they’re using, but the words here are just a little bit different. And they are geared toward the concerns that the kind of people who are drawn to Santa Muerte feel—the outcasts, the people on the margins, people who feel they’ve been left behind by the church, or who don’t even belong to the church. It was extraordinary to see that happen before my eyes. But if…

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On The Kerry Apartheid Comment and the Cycle of Chutzpah

…ermining the military that ensures Israel’s security. If you don’t believe Breaking The Silence’s 950 testimonies, how can you even let yourself hear the word “apartheid” applied to Israel—if only as a warning? You don’t. You plug your ears. As Na’aman has written elsewhere, “Those who acquiesce to Israel’s occupation have given up the hope of a decent Jewish state in which the rule of law prevails. For us, this is not an option. By silencing crit…

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RD News Round-Up: October 27, 2008

…ver about Sarah Palin’s religious affiliations, along comes Talk2Action’s Bruce Wilson with another video exposé. Wilson and Ruth, his co-researcher and co-documentarian, have done an extraordinary job trying to bring information about the realities of Sarah Palin’s religious relationships to the spotlight. And while the mainstream media hasn’t picked up on the Palin videos—as they did with Pastor John Hagee’s ‘Hitler was sent by God’ video that w…

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CNN: Asking the Wrong Questions About Islam

…don’t hear about Muslims who oppose such protests and violence. (That from CNN, “among the world’s leaders in online news and information delivery,” as it was showing images of angry protesters setting things aflame.) To the rescue, our own Haroon Moghul explained to Lemon why the media hasn’t paid attention to the vast majority of Muslims who aren’t protesting, why protests in the Muslim world are about far more than blasphemy and a crude film. W…

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Scope Bacon, Twttr Hoaxes & Joel Osteen’s Big Reveal

…ianity News” channel that featured screenshots of the website and doctored CNN and Drudge Report headlines appearing to confirm the news played over ominous-sounding music. A “Christianity News Texas” blog post on April 2, written by Tribble, reported on the “Special Announcement.”  The combination of these interlocking, seemingly credible sites and the shocking nature of the story itself generated a large amount of attention in just a few days. T…

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Leper Messiah: A Jesus Freak’s Search for the Meaning of Bowie—A Critical Novella

…later. We’re watching her in a 1973 report on the Bowie phenomenon by the BBC news program Nationwide, uploaded to YouTube. “They said ‘e was comin’ ‘round the back! I’ve been waiting for ages to see ‘im,” she wails, agonized at missing the star’s limousine arrive. “Why’re you so upset?” a bemused interviewer asks, across a generational chasm. She looks up, incredulous at the man’s inability to grasp the obvious: “He’s smashing!” Another girl cro…

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Pope’s US Visit Provokes Intense Attention; New Vatican Book on Man-Woman Complementarity & New Int’l Report on Christian Role Models for LGBT Equality; Global LGBT Recap

…p of gay Mormons meeting secretly at BYU; it now has affiliates around the world. At last week’s International Affirmation Conference, which brought more than 500 LGBT Mormons and their supporters to Provo Utah, openly gay rocker Tyler Glenn, lead singer for Neon Trees, gave a presentation about his struggles with his sexuality and his experience coming out publicly last year. Glenn sang songs from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints’…

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