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Hillary Clinton’s Disgraced “Faith Guru” is Out… Now How About the “Faith Operations” Industry?

…ment of conservative white voters. Aside from the diminishing returns—morally and politically—from such a strategy, it arguably sacrificed appeals to genuinely progressive people of faith who were either taken for granted or written off. Let me join the amen chorus on this most crucial aspect of the Strider story. Sure, it’s a bit of a scandal that HRC left Strider in place even when her own campaign director insisted that he be fired. It’s a bit

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Note for Today

…ctive on Islam that I share. Something Sufi, activist, intellectual, and a bit funky. I don’t really share all of those qualities with most people I know, even my children. I hope blogging will help fill this void—a surrogate companion, sorta. I already know what it is like to be alone in a crowd. The crowds at hajj will be many times larger, and I will even be sleeping with three strangers. Sure, new relations can come out of this, but then it mi…

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Maybe Instead of Solidarity, The Religious Left Should Try Being Indivisible

…. Moral suasion does nothing. Anybody who’s ever watched Paul Ryan penitently bite his lip, then pledge to burn another piece of the social safety net to the ground ought to understand that. Raising money for the opponents of miscreant politicians just might change their course, though. Symbolic demonstrations representing a moral worldview do nothing. The implied threat that those same people in the streets today are going to make politicians’ li…

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Coming Out Twice: Sexuality and Gender in Islam

…they can help to change people’s minds, and that can change the world, slowly and gradually.     I have three great hopes for the future, when I consider the possible effects my book might have. The first is that it might empower LGBTIQ Muslims to reconnect with their faith. That connection is very powerful and it can give them great strength and moral resources to stand up to the oppression and abuse that they often suffer from the hands of relig…

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Irony Repeats Itself: Reconsidering Reinhold Niebuhr in the Trump Era

…tantism needed to turn to the left politically and to the right theologically. In the early going he was clear about his politics and vague about his theology; by the end of the decade he had settled on his theology and begun to waver about his politics. When Niebuhr delivered the Gifford Lectures in 1940, he was still a state Socialist. Equating socialization with nationalization, he wanted state planners to replicate the pricing decisions of mar…

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Devil’s Bookmark: How Not to Defend God

…why exactly we need a God, if a) God cannot create people who behave decently, and b) if, after behaving badly, God cannot teach his own created beings decent moral imperatives? Sure, murder is bad and the Mosaic Laws says so. But slavery is also bad, and so is rape, torture, and securities fraud, but the Decalogue remains silent about them. I wish to add one more facet to this discussion. Just as Copan fails to frame his apologia with a preamble…

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Herman Cain’s Israel Doctrine

…ary to God’s word. Cain is no doubt drawing on this theology, but adding a bit of a macho twist: that as president, he would not only bring God’s blessing to America by being Israel’s “friend,” but that he would bring America’s might (presumably backed by God’s wrath) on anyone that “messed” with Israel. That’s all there is to the Cain Doctrine. He might hone it a bit more for particular audiences on the campaign trail (and may learn to pronounce…

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Remembering Gil Scott-Heron

…eep hope alive during what he called (in one of his deepest, most spiritually evocative songs) “Winter in America.” These were not exactly mainstream hits, but they were very well known and influential within a community of musicians and activists concerned about issues of social justice; and they pioneered some of the forms of blending spoken word, rhythm, and music that later took the world by storm as hip-hop music. Later, during an era of musi…

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Melissa Harris-Perry: LGBT Advocates Need Public Progressive Faith

…It is not a question of which one first. They must all happen simultaneously.”  She strongly rejects suggestions that LGBT rights are somehow not a civil rights movement. Asked how she responds to those arguments, Harris-Perry says she goes to Bayard Rustin. “There is no March on Washington without Bayard. It doesn’t exist. It does not happen. There’s no ‘I Have a Dream’ speech. None of it occurs, not one aspect of it occurs, without this brillia…

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From Organized Religion to Organizing Religion: Brian D. McLaren Wants Christians to Be Better

…years ago? And haven’t post-colonial and feminist theologians been powerfully critiquing the Bible’s kingly imaging of God for at least 50 years now? I think McLaren might say that the difference is that he and his Convergence colleagues are now trying to move this kind of thinking from the ivory tower down to the gathered congregation on the ground as a source of joy and energy. If that is his point, then more power to him. It needs to happen. In…

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