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Pussy Riot Members Sentenced to 2 Years for Offending Russian Orthodox Church

…le because it is not a strictly scientific or objective text but a filthy, lying bit of paper from the medieval days of the inquisition. There is no other evidence that remotely hints at a motive. The prosecution is reluctant to produce excerpts from the text of Pussy Riot interviews because they are primary evidence of this lack of motive. For the umpteenth time, I will quote this excerpt. I think it’s important. It was from an interview with “Ru…

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Does the Historical Jesus Matter?

…e shrill screeds of the post-Pauline scolds who managed to shoehorn a good bit of Empire-friendly schlock into the New Testament canon. But back to the difference their good theology makes. (Crossan himself uses the term “accurate theology” to describe the research-based work he has been doing for decades.) For myself, I do feel my head beginning to clear just a bit when I learn that what the Bible’s God abhors most is not poverty as such but the…

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…st of Makkah, to a place called Mina. There we stay performing the five daily prayers starting with the mid-day or zhuhr prayer, but these will be shortened. Usually for travel prayers are shortened to two raka’at instead of 4, and zhuhr and ‘asr (mid-day and afternoon) prayers are combined. Here, they will be shortened but not combined. We stay in Mina, in a kind of modern tent (that is with air conditioning and plumbing) until sunrise on the 9th…

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For Douthat, Church Either Uncompromising or a Secular Den of Promiscuity and Irrelevance

…yoga; or cook fresh, organic, locally-sourced produce every day. Religiously, Mrs. Peck basically thinks that the more spiritually evolved you are, the more you come to resemble her and her friends: vague, spiritual, comfortable, and tastefully harrumphy. She likes hymns from the 1970s and is convinced they will appeal to “the youth.” Zach Radix, an intellectually-serious-bordering-on-brooding student, who, from the time he could talk, has protes…

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Intelligent Design Trial Celebrates Fifth Year Reunion

…there? As Justice O’Connor has said: “Those who would renegotiate the boundaries between church and state must therefore answer a difficult question: Why would we trade a system that has served us so well for one that has served others so poorly?” Sadly, I think O’Donnell’s remarks served as a timely reminder that for church-and-state watchdogs, the price of freedom is constant vigilance and that the jokes of Dover’s champions gathering for anothe…

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Poll: Negative Church Messages Contribute to Gay and Lesbian Suicides

…p her overcome her church-phobia. This young woman and her friends are, sadly, not an anomaly in the younger community of LGBT people. Church is seen as the enemy — something to escape from and count your lucky stars that you survived in one piece — though with permanent scars. A new poll from the Public Religion Research Institute reveals our new lesbian friends are among the plurality of Americans who say “that messages coming from places of wor…

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Truth or Dare?

…or dare, as a teenager, I always took truth. I mean, with skydiving and iFly, clearly I’m not afraid of a dare, but it’s a personality thing. I hold truth and honor above all other virtues. It’s a good thing too. In Islam, the word kaafu—that many Muslims translate as “disbeliever”—is better translated as “one who covers the Truth.” I mean, disbelief is not whether you believe as I believe, but whether you know the Truth, then refuse to respond t…

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To Let It Go and So To Find A Way: U2, (A)Live with Grief and Grace

…it about where they come from and the people that they are,” the notoriously prickly Gallagher said. “At points it’s quite touching when you see footage of people like Bono’s mum and his kids, stuff like that, walking up the street they grew up on.” In 1967, Jimi Hendrix, one of the icons of pop culture’s psychedelic movement, asked the world, “are you experienced?” The search for such an authentic experience is essentially a spiritual one—a ques…

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Invited by Allah

…st admit. But I also admit, I’m a bit skeptical of considering this literally. Mainly because there are three million people who make it (and two million back when I was denied in 1981). I can’t say any of the factors would have just disappeared, had I thought to ask Allah first. But this year as I posted comments about waiting I did get a few reminders about this in the more optimistic form. Whom Allah invites, no one can keep away. And my Zappos…

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